March 21, 2000

Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy Review

The IGN gaming news site has posted a review of the Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy game that came out a few months ago. They really liked the game, here's a bit of what they had to say:

*As side scrolling platformers go on the Game Boy Color, this is definitely one of the best.

*I'm really surprised how well Duke Nukem came out on the Game Boy Color� Torus managed to put together one of the best side-scrollers on the Game Boy Color thus far.

*What Torus has done is base a Game Boy Color game based on the original PC series of Duke Nukem games.

The review has a lot more to say - as well as including a few screenshots for you to check out. If you have a Nintendo Color Gameboy - you should check out this latest edition of Duke Nukem - it's a blast! Go check out the full review, then come back here and check out our Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy pages.

Once you've checked out those those, click here to purchase your own copy (from of Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy! Don't have a Color Gameboy? You can get one of those at Amazon, too.

Posted by Joe Siegler on March 21, 2000 at 4:50 PM | Permalink
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