Max Payne in PC Gamer
PC Gamer (USA -- Oct. 2001 issue) just has hit the newsstands with a great two page review of Max Payne:
Rating: 90% "PC Gamer Editors' Choice"
We can finally declare it was worth the wait. Max Payne is great. Truth be told, third-person shooters don't come any better. [It's] your ticket to the longest, best-directed action movie you've ever played.
[T]he plot--a grim, compelling noir-style cop tale--is as gripping as the stunning action sequences.
[Bullet time] is the best-looking effect since the invention of the polygon. You don't just jump between regular-speed and slow-motion; a 'tweening' effect creates a smooth transition between tempos. Gun-barrel explosions are full-bodied, bullets leave trails as they glide past your head, and shells eject from chambers as if in zero gravity. Every noise sounds like a 45 played at 33...it's mesmerizing, and will have your pals gawking in amazement.
The texture work [graphics] has to be seen to be believed .. with certain scenes breaching the photorealism barrier. Amazingly, the game doesn't require a ninja system. It runs smoothly on a Pentium 500. The fire effect deserves special mention. One mission has you racing through a restaurant exploding in flames, and if you're not blinded in awe, your jaw will drop.
If you're looking for a great thrill ride, an interesting story, and bleeding-edge technology, Max Payne delivers all of them. A new high bar for incredible visuals; intricate story; great load times...the mind-blowing graphics are worth every cent.
Note: Also in this issue of PC Gamer is a fun article titled, "The 50 Best Gamers of All Time." Duke Nukem 3D ranks quite well on this list, but we'll let you read the article and see where it ranks for yourself, as well as all the other great games that are included.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:15 AM
Really cool Max Payne Mod
Since Max has been released, the interest in modding the game has been very high, and very exciting to see. One of the more unique mods sent to us recently was this one entitled "Max Payne EEP Multi Mod".
What it does is change Max Payne from the third person game that it is into a point of view of the more traditional first person shooter - and it does it well! We had fun playing this mod yesterday, and we feel that you will too. Give it a try - download this mod - instructions on how to use it are in the readme inside the zip file.
For further mods and Max Payne coolness, check out some of the cool fan sites such as Payne Reactor & Max Payne Center. You can also check out our Max Payne pages for more links, or the Official Max Payne site's list of mod sites for further info.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:15 AM
Max in Playboy!
Max Payne continues to appear in the mainstream press. This week it was reviewed by Playboy, and given a rather stellar score. Read on...
Rating: 95%
"[M]any gamers [felt max Payne] could in no way meet its lofty expectations, let alone exceed them. Happily for action fans everywhere, Max Payne has defied the odds. Max Payne is about as good as an action game can be. The game's look, feel and style allow it to stand out in an increasingly hackneyed genre -- and the fact that it is damn fun to play helps quite a bit as well."
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:30 PM
Special Max Review
Games Radar
Rating: 95%
The real joy of Max Payne is in looking cool while killing people. The game delights in this simple staple and there is infinite replay value in every door-busting, bullet-dodging, frozen moment of airborne muzzle-flash, whistling tracer and diuretic brass ejection. The same room of gun-loving criminals can be cleared in so many individually cool ways, that there are barely enough glorification-of-violence scenes in all of modern film history to draw upon for reference. You have to invent a few moves of your own and that's just fine.
Film noir narration from Max carries the plot forward between episodes in one long flashback, leading to how he ends up sniping above the city. It's familiar film technique all the way, but the splicing is carried off with such solid production skill that the game feels completely different in texture to anything you will have played before. Frankly, it makes the best of past efforts seem clumsy and amateur.
Max Payne is exactly the type of game that we needed right now to convince the world that this is a maturing market that should be taken more seriously. They say that a media (and ours is still young) takes 30 years to establish itself. We are now in the 30th year of the games industry ( Computer Space was in 1971) and to mark this significant milestone, Max has dragged us by the unmentionables down Hollywood Boulevard and set his Berettas in concrete for all to admire. Never has a darker game made the future look so bright.
Max deserves such an accolade not only for the raw enjoyment it will bring you, but for being the most significant game in this industry so far in terms of closing a massive gap between what we expect from a modern film and a modern game.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:30 PM
Max Payne Official Strategy Guide
Available now online is the Official Max Payne strategy guide. If you're stuck in a certain area of the game, can't get by that one level, than this book is for you! It details all the weapons, how to effectively use bullet time, as well as other game play tips in addition to showing you were hidden objects are in the game. It also tells you how to access the hidden room at the end of the game. Here's a bit from the book...
"Few games push a genre's envelope, but in the case of Max Payne we can all consider the envelope pushed! Not only is the story compelling in a tongue in cheek Noir way, but the camera angles, the game play, and the inclusion of the ultra-cool Bullet Time make Max Payne the champion for 2001. I write strategy guides for a living, and as such I play a lot of games in any given year. I must say that working on Max Payne was one of the most delightful surprised I've ever had. I expected the game to be good, but I didn't realize the level at which it would grab me and suck me in. I found myself playing levels over and over again just for fun, and believe me, that's a good sign!"
There's lots to see and read in this book, so if you're a fan of Max Payne, you should pick it up! Please note that we do not sell the book ourselves direct, but you can order it through this link at Amazon.com. Also make sure and visit our books page to see other books and strategy guides about our games.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:30 PM
Even more Max Reviews!
It's Monday morning, so that means a new batch of Max Payne reviews. Check 'em out:
CTW (Game of the Week -- July 27, 2001 issue)
Max Payne [is] the single most important third person action game released since Tomb Raider. [T]he story is ace, and a country mile ahead of the two-bit fodder normally associated with games. [T]he way the initial scenario is revealed is possibly the most effective introduction to a video game we've ever seen.
Max Payne sets a new benchmark for action games.
GameOn Magazine
Link here.
Rating: 91%
The game should be sought by all action movie and shooter enthusiasts. The graphics impact, with its high resolution textures and particle effects, has few rivals, and the same goes for sound and the comic-strip style of the in-game cut scenes.
Rating: 9/10
"Max Payne" is a well-polished gem. Everything is done perfectly, from the graphics to the gameplay to the voice acting to the story.
3D Gaming News
Rating: 95%
If you haven't already obtained your copy of Max Payne, go to the store and buy one now. This is not a title to miss.
(Finnish site)
Rating: 92%
Computer Gaming World (Sept. 2001 issue)
Hands-on Preview
[T]his shooter breaks away from the gaming pack [by] telling its gritty story through painted comic book-style panels displayed between levels, instead of the traditional clumsy in-engine cut-scenes. But it's the true bullet-time that really punches up what could otherwise be routine gun battles...creat[ing] the kind of tension and visual wonder that the best action movies generate. No other game I've played has created the nerve-wracking tension associated with the near-miss. Max Payne lets you watch every bullet fired at you rip a trail through the air, often surprising you with a projectile whistling just past Max's ear...Our exclusive playtesting of Max Payne made it clear that this will be the most stylish shooter in years.
(no rating)
May Payne is a film-noir-inspired game about revenge that is unflinching in every way possible. It's dark and moody, extremely twisted, and turns PC action gaming on its ear by featuring state-of-the-art graphics, audio, and cinematic action. Max Payne is the �bershooter.
Game Forces
Rating: 8.5
Max Payne is one of the most beautiful action-adventures that have yet to be seen. From start to finish, Max Payne is a non-stop, action-intensive thriller sure to keep you glued to the screen in a way no other game has. The integration of the story that just keeps getting more complicated and yet more clearer as you progress fills the game with unbelievable depth.
In essence, Max Payne is the fortunate result of what happens when detail is the top priority of a game's development. It has the perfect form of an action-adventure title with the golden heart of a benchmarker. Everything in the game was designed with the player in mind, which is what created this awesome experience. Just think of Max Payne as a hit summer action flick -- it has everything you like about the genre, and since there aren't that many games of this caliber during this season, you're in for a treat.
Games Xtreme
Rating: 95%
Max Payne is a groundbreaking game. Max Payne is gritty and dynamic, it's chock full of action and doesn't really slow down at all story wise, you're hurled from one encounter to the next with a series of neat twists and turns that would leave a writer like Tom Clancy wondering why he didn't have this level of backstabbing sneakiness. Max deserves an accolade of being one of the most innovative and bloody great action games of 2001
PC Strategy Gamer
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
Remedy, a developer from Finland, has managed to produce a 3D game engine that looks better than anything to have existed thus far.
Action Trip
Rating: 88%
Max Payne is a stunning technical (gameplay) achievement.
The bottom line: It's a magnificent game that brings the action spirit to the PC...Max Payne is a definite must have.
Rating: 98%
What if someone were to combine the thrills of some of the best movies and games to exist, and glue them back together in an ultra-realistic detective story focusing around a rouge cop and his encounters with the mob in the toughest alleys of New York? You'd end up with a game so addictive, that it would be hard to put down. That game is Max Payne. Max is most certainly up for nomination for Best Action Game and Best Game for the 2001.
(no rating)
Max Payne is one of the most flawlessly crafted, well-written, polished-to-perfection game playing experiences I've ever had. For the pure fun value, this game has got it all, and is easily the best release of 2001.
Rating: 9/10
My first impression after I've installed the game was WOW! The game offers some of the most spectacular graphics and sound that have ever been seen in any 3rd person shooter. Real life textures are used for the environment as well as the characters in the game. It gives you the feeling of almost being there. So when the action started heating up I decided to try out this much talked about "Bullet Time". I was stunned! It felt as if I was acting out a scene in the movie - The Matrix. I could actually see the bullets fly past me. This is one feature that's going to make this game unique and stand out above all the rest. Once you've started playing this game there is no way you're getting up out of the chair. The storyline is riveting.
The Triple Helix
Rating: 9/10
Max Payne's environment is the dirty underbelly of New York. Everything in the development of the levels is very detailed and well done. The streets look very accurate and genuine. The weather and the blizzard during the game looked extremely nice. Also, the level design of the game is simply amazing. It's almost as if Remedy brought in real engineers and architects to design and make the maps for Max Payne. The building, warehouses, and even the ship, which is in the game, are very well done and detailed than any other game I have seen.
Game Raiders
Rating: 9/10
Two big thumbs up for the bullet time in Max Payne!
Rating: 92.5%
Max Payne is a terrific game that is a must-have for anyone who still likes to play games in single player mode. The graphics are awesome, the atmosphere is really well-done and the bullet-time where you can shoot enemies in slow-motion gives Max just that little edge that makes the game superb...you should go out and buy Max Payne right now!
Jester News
Rating: 96%
[Max Payne] has just changed the future of games.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM
More Max Reviews
In the hit computer game Max Payne, death � la "The Matrix" comes with a cost: Your own tortured soul. Interwoven with a realistic, compelling story, a postmodernist's sense of ironic wit and, even more startling, a strong moral tone...Max Payne may be the one that finally advances the genre, and our expectations for it -- and in the process, it may be the game that finally forces the industry to grow up.
Adrenaline Vault
Rating: 9/10 (Seal of Excellence award)
Taking a cue from The Matrix, Max Payne employs the stylized camera movement known as "Bullet-Time" where all action is slowed down to a point that you can actually see bullets whizzing through the air. This mode is not just for artistic license; players can trigger Bullet-Time to their advantage to perform incredible stunts and feats of agility, all while aiming and turning in real time to take down an uneven proportion of enemies.
As an action title borrowing elements from popular sources, Max Payne employs several instances of in-jokes that some players will be quick to recognize. There are a bunch of spoken and visual references to John Woo, Chow Yun Fat, The Professional, The Killer, and even Reservoir Dogs. Like in the spy game No One Lives Forever, some of the guards will talk among themselves while waiting for you to show up, quipping about action films, favorite actors, and even discussing the concept of Bullet-Time in length.
Max Payne is one of those memorable titles that people will be talking about for years to come. Its impressive graphics, gripping storyline, and fun use of Bullet-Time action elevates the game to the current standard that most others should aspire to.
1:30 PM [ Discuss this news story ]
Extended Play (formally known as GameSpot TV) is a weekly show that appears on the cable channel, TechTV. This weeks episode includes a review of Max Payne, showing a lot of footage from the game, though we have to say that whomever was playing the game to get this footage was a terrible player, and doesn't exactly show off the game well. But that's besides the point. The real point is that Extended Play, which not-to-often gives out high game scores, game Max Payne a perfect 5 of 5 stars review score.
You can check out their online site and review here, and while there you call look up the time of the next showing of Extended Play.
We noticed a few days ago, too, on The Screen Savers, another TechTV show, that the hosts were talking about Max Payne and calling the game "amazing" and talking about staying up most the night to play it.
Here's the link to the Extended Play online review along with a juicy quote:
Rating: 5 of 5 Stars
Anyone who has seen "The Matrix" could tell you what Bullet-Time is. However, in "Max Payne," you the gamer get to take control and truly be "the one." There is nothing better than blowing into a room full of bad guys, clicking a button, and flying through the air shooting the bad guys in slow motion. It looks and sounds beautiful. Graphically, "Max Payne" also delivers. Nothing looks better in slow motion than seeing the unhappy look on your adversary's face as you empty a clip into his torso. Faces are clear, clothing is crisp, and the texturing makes "Max Payne" look and feel like it's in the real New York City.
1:30 PM [ Discuss this news story ]
The site http://www.gamerankings.com has published their list of Top 10 games - Max is at the top of the list! Here's the Top 10 list from their site - or you can go there yourself, and build your own Top lists from their data. Check it out.
Max Payne - PC - 91.6%
NCAA Football 2002 - PS2 - 88.6%
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil - PS2 - 86.9%
Desperados - PC - 80.9%
Outrigger - DC - 78.1%
Settlers IV - PC - 76.1%
Soldier of Fortune - DC - 75.7%
Battle Aisle: The Andosia War - PC - 74.7%
Extermination - PS2 - 69.9%
Virtua Athlete 2000 - DC - 58.7%
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:30 PM
Max #1 in US!
The NPD Intellect (provider of marketing materials that tracks sales) has posted the list of Top 10 selling games ending the week of August 11th. Max Payne his displaced the Diablo II expansion set as the #1 selling game! This is for US PC game sales! Here's the complete list of Top 10 games:
1. Max Payne; Gathering of Developers - $39
2. Diablo 2 Expansion Set: Lord of Destruction; Vivendi Universal Publishing - $36
3. The Sims; Electronic Arts - $42
4. The Sims: House Party Expansion Pack; Electronic Arts - $29
5. Diablo 2; Vivendi Universal Publishing - $40
6. The Sims Livin Large Expansion Pack; Electronic Arts - $29
7. MP Roller Coaster Tycoon; Infogrames Entertainment - $27
8. MS Age Of Empires II: Age of Kings; Microsoft - $41
9. MS Flight Simulator 2000; Microsoft - $28
10. Pearl Harbor: Zero Hour Simon & Schuster - $16
Congrats to Remedy! If you haven't picked up your copy of the game, you can do so by ordering direct from us at http://www.buymaxpayne.com.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:00 PM
Max Still at #1
The ELSPA is a tracking group in the United Kingdom for game sales, and for the fourth week in a row Max Payne is the top selling PC game. Even more impressive is that Max is #3 on the "All Formats" list, which includes console games, and console games sale a lot better than PC games on average.
For example, the #2 PC game, Operation Flashpoint, is only #19 on the All Formats list, 16 places behind Max Payne.
1. Gran Turismo
2. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
3. Max Payne
4. Tomb Raider
5. Pokemon Gold
6. Driver
7. Super Mario Advance
8. Pokemon Silver
9. Tomb Raider
10. Simpsons Wrestling
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:30 PM
Max & Rolling Stone Magazine
Max Payne is hitting the mainstream press! The current issue of Rolling Stone magazine (issue 876, Aug. 30, page 90) has a big article they call "The Hot List," covering what's hot in all areas of entertainment. Max Payne is the only interactive game mentioned in this 28 page article. Here's part of what they had to say:
"...then the action suddenly drops to super slo-mo, and a meticulously detailed bullet creeps across your screen as your hero hurtles through the air. Part John Woo movie, part film noir, Max Payne is the action game of the year."
Scott Miller is also quoted, talking about the four year development time: "Most games just cannot afford to be as ambitious as Max Payne, because they have to be done within an eighteen-month or two-year time frame. It just takes an extra amount of time to get it right."
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:30 PM
Netscape 6 News Tab
Also with the new site is a new feature designed specifically for Netscape 6 (or Mozilla) users. If you have used these browsers, you should be familiar with the tabs available on these browsers. Anyway, we now have a news tab available for these browsers. You can add this to your copy of Netscape and quickly look and see the most recent news headlines without having to load our entire web site.
If you have Netscape 6, 6.1, or Mozilla, you can click on the Netscape 6 tab below (or at the bottom of this page), and you can view this. If you don't have these browsers, you won't be able to use this feature, although I'm told that Internet Explorer v6 will have a similar such feature - if that does happen, I'll program a tab for that browser, too.

NOTE: This feature no longer is on the site as of May 2005, it's been replaced with an RSS feed for news.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 9:15 PM
Our New Server is Online
If you can see this message, then you have reached our new server. As you probably have read, our web forums have been down, and that was due to our old crappy hosting solution. We were having problems with our old box being too slow, and then the Max Payne videos came out, and it died a horrible, screaming death. Anyway, after much work and deliberation, our new server is up and online right now. Our forums have also returned. The new box is a major screamer, and as such, the slowness of the past is gone. We've also got a great new host, and we are ready now.
One change in this new box is that it allows us to finally do what we want, we're not bound by the silly restrictions of some of our previous web hosts. Most of this is background stuff, but it should allow us to be more flexible in the future should future demand or other issues come up. Due to this change, we've slightly altered the location of the forums. There is a new location for the forums - so if you used to have them bookmarked, you'll need the new location. That new location is this:
The forums are live now, so check it out now, and it's good to be back!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 9:15 PM
More Max Payne Reviews
Every Monday we'll post a new set of Max Payne reviews. So far the reviews have been tremendously positive and the game is at the top of every PC sales chart worldwide. In a very short time Max Payne has become the game industry's latest super hit, and is being touted as one of those rare groundbreaking titles that doesn't come along too often.
Here are more the reviews...
CTW (Game of the Week -- July 27, 2001 issue)
Max Payne [is] the single most important third person action game released since Tomb Raider. The story is ace, and a country mile ahead of the two-bit fodder normally associated with games. The way the initial scenario is revealed is possibly the most effective introduction to a video game we've ever seen.
Max Payne sets a new benchmark for action games.
PC GameWorld
Rating: 97%
Plunk down the necessary greenbacks to purchase this game, and then you'll know that you've picked up the latest revolution in interactive gaming. Max Payne, with its unique story delivery and revolutionary bullet-time physics will have you talking for a long time.
(no rating)
Max Payne is probably the most graphically stunning game ever done. Bottom-line, Max Payne is the most fun I've had with a shooter in years. And the reasons are there's a point to playing - the story, and it's challenging without being frustrating.
Rating: 90%
A hard-packed fistful of PC gaming dynamite, Max Payne delivers a double-punch of amazing visuals and compelling gameplay. When you stack up the excellent storyline, awesome visuals, stellar special effects, and pulse-pounding gunfights, Max Payne is simply one of the most fun action games on the market today. You owe it to yourself to enter the gritty noir world of Max Payne. This title is simply a "must have."
Game Zone
Rating: 97%
Max Payne...plays out like a Mickey Spillane novel, while integrating comic book story frames that propel the plot along. No need to worry about reading, character actors voice the story, adding the sense of a 'B' gangster movie reaching out to grab you by the throat...you ain't seen nothing like this game. Stunning is one word to describe the visual portion of the game, but even it fails to depict the deep, rich eye candy players will experience when launching the game. It is graphically breathtaking.
And then there is Max's special power, the one that helps him to overcome overwhelming odds. It's called 'bullet time,' and the world goes instantly into an extreme slow-mo mood, with the exception of Payne's guns. Bullet time is the most innovative, awesome use of action sequences seen to date in any game. This game has raised the bar on action shooter games.
This is a game that belongs on the shelf of any action/shooter game fan.
Rating: 8.5
The game is a winner because it introduces a number of significant innovations into the 3D action genre. Some of these are simple like the brilliant use of cinematic elements within the gameplay or the dark comic book storyboard which helps push the plot forward during the between mission segues. However the most amazing new feature in this game revolves around the concept of 'bullet time'. This mode has a massive 'wow' factor, and is a welcome reward for accurate shooting. It is also something we can expect to see popping up in many similar games from here on in, as undoubtedly other developers switch to 'imitate' mode in a big way over the next year or so.
The audio is also brilliant with Max regularly stumbling on conversations between gangsters which could have been lifted straight from cool mobster movies like Goodfellas (a bit of an MGON favorite!). The thugs have a lot to say, and their New York Italian mobster accents and the scripting add a lot to the plot and really help you feel you are waging a war against a vicious army of criminals.
Rating: 95%
Some people say that in extreme, life-threatening situations, time slows down so that even a gunshot seems to last several seconds. Max Payne's "Bullet Time" feature simulates this effect with stunning results-its third-person gunfights are spectacularly cinematic, and it manages to look as cool and dramatic as a film noir while being more fun than most other shooters. Even without the Bullet Time gimmick, Max Payne would be a first-rate title. The gritty New York City environments are among the most detailed and realistic ever created. Max Payne is a well-polished gem.
Rating: 92%
Max Payne does definitely qualify as a world of its own. From the first time you enter the game, you are immediately immersed into the dark metropolis that Max lives in, and you actually become Max Payne. While you move through the game, the world also has a very strong sense of being "alive" and real. You are given the opportunity to interact with just about any object in the game, may it be rummaging through the liquor cabinet in some mob boss' headquarters to hacking a computer system at the heart of a corporate empire.
Max Payne has some of the most amazing graphics that I've ever seen in a computer game. The level design within the game is simply amazing. Each level looks exactly as it would if it were made in the real world. They look so good in fact, that sometimes I had to stop and wonder if I wasn't wandering around three-dimensional blueprints of actual buildings. In addition to just looking good, the levels are HUGE. In all honesty, I found the detail and care that was put into the levels awe-inspiring.
Beta World
Rating: 9/10
Not only do I highly recommend this game to gamers but also to movie-buffs. I don't care if this is your first dive into playing a video game; if you're a movie fan, you simply can't miss this game. The Remedy team (creators of the game) really worked to make this game appear more like a movie. Even the CD-ROM comes in a DVD case rather than the traditional CD case.
Many games have claimed that they would change action gaming altogether but Max Payne (along with Half-Life) actually did it. At this time of the year (Aug. 3rd, 2001) Max Payne has my pick for game of the year. You've got to play this thing.
Rating: 98%
Max's story line keeps you interested and wanting to know what comes next every chapter of the way. A stunning graphics engine, creative and deep story line combined with Matrix-like fight scenes makes Max Payne a definite buy.
Rating: 94%
Max Payne thrusts you into the middle of a John Woo movie in a game as fun to play as it is to watch. Welcome to the future of gaming where highly stylized cinematic scenes aren't just filler, they're the game. Max Payne is at its heart a third-person shooter, but such a generic term does little to describe this incredible game. It's like controlling a movie.
I only really need one word to describe the graphics, WOW! Seemingly photorealistic facial features on the characters combined with an almost completely interactive background quickly sucks you into this world of gritty, underground New York.
At times Max Payne is more movie than game, with stunning camera angles, jarring replays and an involved plot that not only moves the storyline along, it sets the tone for a hardcore action experience. If it weren't for the minimal graphic bugs and occasional chunky backgrounds, this game would hit a near perfect score. Payne is one of the most robust, innovative and intense shooters to hit the market since the original Tomb Raider. Look out Lara, I see a Payne coming to theaters near you.
Game Planet
Rating: 9/10
This game just oozes polish, like none before it. The hundreds of little moments of genius design, combined with an edgy "graphic novel" presentation of the hard-edged storyline and graphical finesse lift this game into the realms of legend - if you want a game that you can really impress with or one that you'll find yourself spending hours discussing with your workmates, look no further; it doesn't get better than this. This is the game of the year.
(no rating)
Graphics & Sound. Visually stunning, even at medium default settings MP delivers awesome graphic detail. Sound? I would have to rate it a 10 out of10. The music deserves some good criticism. It's creepy, mysterious, and I like it. Sound effects: nice job. Especially the voices. Bottom Line: Impressive. Most Impressive.
(no rating)
Playing Max Payne is like starring in your very own action movie.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 10:15 AM
Official Max Tutorial Online
The folks from Remedy have sent along the first installment of their official Max Payne Editing Tutorial. It's online now over at http://www.maxpayne.com/tutorials - check it out!
It's not complete, but this first part discusses several things such as setting up MaxEd, making your first level, basic lighting, and more. Check it out - more will be coming shortly.
In other Max news, don't forget to check out http://www.maxpayne.com/support - this area has the latest updates from Remedy on issues some folks are experiencing with the game. If you're having a problem with Max, this url should be your first stop.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:30 PM
Max Payne User Feedback
And finally today, we bring you a collection of player comments on Max Payne. No intro needed, here they are:
From: Samuli Viikinen
Subject: [maxteam] (B) What do the buyers think about MP
A few pages of customer comments from ebworld.com.
A customer on 8/13/2001 writes:
This game is great.
A customer on 8/13/2001 writes:
Max Payne is one of the sweetest games I have ever been honored to play. This is such a great game, it is a strong contender for game of the year. Words can't begin to describe the experience you get from playing this game. You will have to fight to turn the game off to sleep. Only a couple levels into the game you feel for Max. It doesn't feel like a game, it feels like a honest-to-God, life or death situation. You really want to clear Max's good name. I believe that if you have even the slightest interest in shooters that you should BUY THIS GAME! It will turn you into a hardcore gamer in no time.
A customer on 8/12/2001 writes:
This is a great game. It has spectacular graphics, good story, and corny cliche-ish dialog that kinda adds a bit of humor to an otherwise dark game. Definitely worth it!
A customer on 8/11/2001 writes:
Alright, I've gotta think of a fancy "word-play" opener. *Clears throat* If you buy this game, you will play it to the Max, no Payne intended....*Looks over what I just wrote* That was horrible! Okay, well anyway. This game truly is amazing. For all the reasons every one has already said. I find myself saving at certain points and playing them over and over again because it gives me such an action hero feel. For instance, jumping through a skylight window on top of a pile of boxes, the slow mo jumping/shooting at the bad guys that have just come in the door, and yadda yadda. It may have a few flaws, but there's no such thing as perfection. Things can always be more perfect, so take the good with the bad and enjoy it!
A customer on 8/11/2001 writes:
This is one of the best games to come out for quite sometime. I haven't enjoyed a game this much since the original Half-life. Pick it up (cause it's probably going to be long wait for Duke Nukem Forever). Refreshing to see something worthwhile given the slump the pc games have been in recently. Just wish it was a little longer.
A customer on 8/11/2001 writes:
Ill make this short as everyone before me has already said the same thing over, and over again.
Graphics, sound effects, pulp novel atmosphere Humor, and some of the "puzzles"
Fairly short game play, the other "puzzles" answers are given to you with video sequences, to include the ending of the game. Updates: How about being able to record yourself while in BULLET-TIME to see the whole effect. Don't know how B-T would be worked into multi-play, but would be great to see.
A customer on 8/11/2001 writes:
This game rocks. You can't say anything bad about it. It is like the matrix, so until they make a Matrix game, this is just like it. The Bullet time is awesome!
MarkMcSorley on 8/10/2001
This game is too good. It is the best single player action game I've played in a while. For all of those who are craving a lot of single player fun, GO BUY IT RIGHT NOW! The only 2 drawbacks are the 10 hours of gameplay you can expect, and the cut scenes are actual photographs made to look like comic book strips. (which makes them look cheesy) But if you're turned away by short gameplay, never fear, many single player maps are in development.
A customer on 8/10/2001 writes:
I just bought this game and let me tell you I fell in love with it since the training mission! The fact that you can slow down time and do "matrix" like stunts is so awesome plus not only does the game make you feel as if you were in an action movie, the graphics are also top notch.
A customer on 8/10/2001 writes:
Not long enough. Great new techniques for killing people, as well as tried and true ones. I highly recommend it.
A customer on 8/10/2001 writes:
Max payne is a basic 3rd person shooter with movie special effects added in for several seconds at the push of a button! Nothing more, nothing less! Good game with potential to be a great game! Worth playing but not worth paying 50 bucks! 4 stars is the max this game can get for its all around features! Especially just for being fun! You will repeatedly play sections over just to see how close you can come to doing movie stunts with the bulet time features! But thats about it! Depending on other games you've played it's really nothing new! Max Payne is just basically a John Woo mobster flick with bullet time, and its easy and short!
CalvinLin on 8/9/2001
Max Payne is one of most innovative games I've ever played. Combining Half-Life's interactive environments and Tomb Raider's fast paced 3rd person action with the Matrix's slow motion sequence, equals Max Payne. This game has super extreme detail and the surround sound is riveting with explosions and guns popping. New York has never looked so dangerous! Playing this game is like playing a role in a John Woo movie. Many real modeled weapons to choose from, dual barettas to moltov tails. One thing I just have to complain is the difficulty. Even though this game has an auto adjusting difficulty, it's still a tough action game. Without the cool bullet time feature, this game would be impossible to beat. The control is excellent and the short training mode will help you get adjusted to the game. Overall, Max Payne is worth buying and it took me about a week to finish this game. I'm not a hardcore action gamer, but this game is just fun. Go buy this game, you won't regret it.
A customer on 8/9/2001 writes:
At first I thought that this "bulletcam" was going to be nothing more than a gimmick...let me tell you...I am here to tell you that this game is more than gimmicks and hype. This game is the real deal. Yes, the slow-mo John Woo camera is gimmicky and sort of like the Matrix but it works so well within the game it doesn't matter. The graphics are top notch, the AI is top notch, the intuitiveness of the controls and save points is right on...this game should be game of the year. Warning though...it is graphic and not for young children!
A customer on 8/9/2001 writes:
This is a great game that will be hard to beat. Although the game has some shortcomings, it makes up greatly with excellent gameplay. The only problem I had was the long loading times, but this only kept me anxious to find out what happens next. This game will only get better as time goes on. If you don't have it, buy it as soon as possible.
A customer on 8/9/2001 writes:
This game rocks. Stunning graphics and superior sound quality and story line. The new Bullet time feature is by far the best addition to any shooter game on the open market. Though there is a lack of levels and multiplayer, its the story and weapons that keep you hooked. This game is a must buy. The Matrix was a great movie, but Max Payne brings it to life.
A customer on 8/8/2001 writes:
One of the best games of the year! The Bullet Time feature is the coolest and the graphics are sweet. The story line is great, it's almost like a John Woo flick. I give it five stars because not only it has superb graphics and game play, but it also features a map editor, which means that there will be more action in the Max Payne community. Go buy this game, it's the best game ever since Half-Life debuted! You just have to see it, to believe it!
A customer on 8/8/2001 writes:
Combining the melodramatic storyline and stylish gunplay of a John Woo movie with the bullet time system ( the best tool in action game history ) that the Matrix used so well, you get a sweat inducing, adrenaline pumping game that literally brings you into this world.
ChrisFodaski([email protected]) on 8/7/2001
I rate this game 5 stars because it has to be one of the best games that has graced my computer in a long time. The total use of Bullet Time is the greatest invention to grace the first person shooter in a long time. The story is great and full of corny jokes, that are really funny!!. What also adds to this game is the reality of the wepons that you use. You don't get a laser that can rip the heck out of your enemies, use your dual ingrams! The only down note I have for this game is the lack of multiplayer.
A customer on 8/7/2001 writes:
This is a must have game for anyone who likes action, a great story and single player action. I am a major multiplayer freak and this was a great break from the action. It wasn't a very long game, like Deus Ex, but to me, it was the perfect length. It is like an action movie, not too long, but not too short. Its well worth every penny you have. I can't wait for the mods that will be coming out to continue Max Payne's awesome single player.
A customer on 8/6/2001 writes:
I borrowed this game from a friend and I loved it right off. I think I'm going to buy it myself. The slow motion Matrix stuff is great, just like controlling a movie, but you're the star as "Max Payne"!
A customer on 8/6/2001 writes:
The game hooks you in with its story line of revenge. The visuals are amazing. Right now, I don't think anything on the market can compare. If you liked the Matrix you will love this game with bullet time to dodge enemy shells and if you like breathtaking action this game should be yours!
A customer on 8/5/2001 writes:
Max Payne redefined the concept of action in a computer game to the point that it moves forward and is a "interactive movie". Max Payne is the new standard for an action game by which the other games need to be measures. The history of computer games have been divided: before and after Max Payne.
A customer on 8/5/2001 writes:
If John Woo made PC games, this would be it. The amazing graphics, sound and story make the game more than worth the 2+ years it took to make. Aside from a few minor problems, Max Payne could knock Half-life from it's perch as "The Best Game Ever".
A customer on 8/4/2001 writes:
Max Payne.....Hmmmmm my mind is confused about this one, because well the single player is very involving but the no multiplayer makes this one very hard to give 5 stars. But it's the first game that plays like The Matrix so it deserves it. If you like something that's kinda like the Matrix but a darker storyline this is for you, but if your a guy who only buys games for the multiplayer experience then this is not for you.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:45 PM
Max is Number 1!
We'll get right to the point. Max Payne is the #1 game in North America & Europe this past two weeks. Take Two released a statement today saying this..
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 15, 2001--Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO - news) announced today that its Max Payne, which is published under the Company's GodGames label and was developed by Remedy Entertainment and produced by 3DRealms, has been confirmed as the largest grossing PC game in North America and Europe according to NPD INTELLECT (U.S.), CharTrack (UK), Mediacontrol (Germany) and GFK (France) for the two week period ending Saturday, August 11. ``We are very pleased that Max Payne has been greeted by a record level of customer demand for one of the Company's PC products on a global basis,'' said Kelly Sumner, Chief Executive Officer.
We know Max has been moving well out of 3DR HQ, and it's really cool to see this kind of report online - thanks to everyone who has made the game such a big success!
You can read more about Max Payne at our Max pages, and you can purchase your own copy by visiting http://www.buymaxpayne.com.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:30 PM
Max Payne Reviews
Here's some more Max Payne reviews for you to check out:
Rating: 97%
I haven't awed at a game like this since Half-Life. The gameplay is brilliant...the level of emotional stimulation is unprecedented.
Rating: 5 Stars
I feel that I have changed a bit from playing Max Payne. Like a great movie, I was engrossed in the game and didn't want to let go. I think Duke Nukem should get a little nervous because it's going to be mighty hard to create an action game better than this.
Two reviewers rated the game: 90% and 93%
Max Payne is certainly the best action game this year. The movie-like action scenes etc. are phenomenal and the intense gun play will keep you coming back. Hell, I'll go out on a limb and say that Max Payne is probably the best PC action game to date.
I've just spent an unhealthy portion of my weekend sitting at my PC, reliving some of the greatest moments in action movie history...Whether it be the much lauded slow motion gunplay or the John McClane style limping when you're on your last legs, everything has been created with a director's eye for detail. Max Payne's story is more competent than some of what Hollywood is churning out right now. It hits harder than anything of it's type in terms of storyline, graphics and on-screen action. Renting out 10 movies might cost the same as buying Max Payne and last you just as long, but being in the movie is far superior to just watching it. Max Payne is the first of the next gen games.
Rating: 93%
The bottom line on this one? They HAVE pushed the envelope.
(German review)
Rating: 5 Stars
Rating: 91%
Max Payne is about all-out action and once you enter the game proper what you'll discover is a rare visual treat. It's a real tour of New York low-life, and matching the gorgeous environments are a full supporting cast of junkies, hookers, mobsters and their hoods. Excellent character animation and nice facial detail give Max's supporting cast a really distinctive look and menacing feel, and with additional explosive in-game cut scenes it all contributes to a real big-screen blockbuster-style feel. While we're on the subject, it's also a relief to find a game which is unashamedly pitched at a more adult audience and isn't afraid to tackle more sophisticated content and themes.
Rating: 9/10
In our opinion Max Payne has the makings for game of the year. This game is splendid in every way with its stIn our opinion Max Payne has the makings for game of the year. This game is splendid in every way with its stunning graphics and special effects, bullet time feature, pyrotechnics and other new enhancements. It has a wow factor of 10 that never lets you down. The industry has hyped it up and it is deserving of every bit of it. Even after playing through most of the game we were still in awe. Stunning graphics and special effects, bullet time feature, pyrotechnics and other new enhancements. It has a wow factor of 10 that never lets you down. The industry has hyped it up and it is deserving of every bit of it. Even after playing through most of the game we were still in awe.
Rating: 86%
All in all, Max Payne is an envelope pusher and possibly the game of the year, for a lot of reasons. It does everything right, uses an inventive control method, and fixes everything that is wrong with the genre.
Rating: B+
The textures are some of the best we have ever seen - hands down. They're vibrant without being too colorful to detract from the game's dark, brooding atmosphere. The level of destruction and incredible object interaction is enough to make a grown man cry. For example, when a stray bullet bites into a wall, the tiles crumble apart like a crisp Frito under the leaden heel of your neighborhood game geek. And it's not just walls - paper, boxes, bottles, water coolers, glass windows, wooden staircases - every surface and object reacts appropriately when met with speeding hot lead. A true technical achievement!
Rating: 94%
The technology behind Max Payne is by far the most advanced gaming technology to date. Max Payne turned out to be worth the four year wait. With an intense storyline, realistic locations, tons of weaponry to choose from, stunning visual effects, and remarkable game-play features, Max Payne might turn out to be the next game of the year, and in this reviewer's book, it already is.
Rating: 91%
Max Payne is the pinnacle of great graphics. Mere words can't do this visual effect justice, so I'll just leave it at that. The graphics engine also has photo-digitized textures and a fairly interactive environment going for it--as well as support for the latest hardware. The textures look better than anything I've seen using a 'real life' gaming environment.
(no rating)
Nothing can compare to the sound of a 9mm bullet whizzing by your head in slow motion. Max Payne captures the tension of dodging bullets perfectly with it's unique sounds. When you activiate BulletTime, all of the sounds are distant and muffled, and an intense heart beat throbs in the background. This does an excellent job of putting you in the game. Aside from action sounds, Max's well-written monologues are also amazing. Max tells the story through his own eyes, and shares important plot information. The sounds are really involving, and keep you on the edge of your seat the whole game.
GameSPot UK
Rating: 91%
Max Payne is about all-out action and once you enter the game proper what you'll discover is a rare visual treat. Max Payne will deliver one of the most visually impressive experiences you'll see this year. One of the first titles to be able to take full advantage of the GeForce 3's advanced capabilities. The game environments are lush with crisp, smooth graphics perfectly capturing the seedy underbelly of the city, as you charge through grimy hotels, bust open derelict apartment blocks and bound across snow-filled rooftops. It's a real tour of New York low-life, and matching the gorgeous environments are a full supporting cast of junkies, hookers, mobsters and their hoods.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 AM
Max Payne Movie Announced
This past week a press release was put out announcing that Dimension Films, Collision Entertainment and Abandon Entertainment acquired the rights to make a movie out of the recently released game, Max Payne. We have a local copy of it here.
In addition to this press release, there was a story over at Yahoo that follows up on the press release with some quotes from Scott Miller. Here's some of what Scott had to say..
"Everything was tailored for Max to hit the big time. Most developers and game publishers don't put a strong focus on characters like they should, but we took a different tack with Max. We feel that, with Collision's creativity and expertise, we have the next great movie anti-hero on our hands."
More on this story when there is something to tell. In the meantime, remember - the release date is "When it's done".
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 AM
Max visits the Sims
As you may remember, back in May of 2000, we had someone report to us that a Duke Nukem (as well as the Duke E3 booth babes) had been created as a skin for the Maxis game, "The Sims". We made a funny story out of those skins, and it was pretty popular.
Well, this week we were alerted to the existance of a Max Payne skin for the Sims. We didn't do anything with this one, but someone else did.
If you check out this link over at the Sims site, you can check out the Max Payne skin, as well as the house created for Max, as well as some of his interactions with other Sims in that neighborhood.
It's funny stuff - although we're not sure exactly who created the skin. If you did, please drop us a line, we'd like to hear from you.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 AM
Max Payne: Bring on the Mods
Amer over at Gamespot has written a news article entitled "Max Payne: Bring on the Mods". In it he talks about his desire to see some specific types of mods created, and talks about how some of the best things to happen to games are user mods. Check this out:
So Max Payne is finally out, and I for one couldn't be happier. It's been a very long time since an action game, arguably the most straightforward of all PC genres, has been so polished, so innovative, and to put it quite simply, so much damn fun to play.
I sincerely hope that the editing tools included with the game are embraced by the mod-making community.
Check out what Amer has to say about Max Payne mods in this article.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 AM
Back & Ready To Go
From our Webmaster, Joe Siegler.. "Well, as you have seen, not much has happened on our site this past week. The reason for that is I was away on vacation, and as such when you don't have a computer, you can't do anything. Anyway, I'm back today, and after spending a lot of the day plowing through an enormous pile of email, I turned my attention to the new web server. As you've probably noticed, our forums are down - that's because we got completely overwhelmed by server load, and the rather underpowered server died under a level of traffic that would choke a horse. However, our new "mega server" is in, and is right now in the process of being configured. Gotta do all the fiddly stuff like tweak Linux, Apache, etc.. We anticipate it being ready to fly in a few days - we'll have some more updates on that when it's up and ready to go.
While I was away a few things happened - the news stories below cover the major happenings during the past week. Check 'em out."
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:45 AM
More Max Reviews
The reviews for Max have been just about universally positive out there since the game was released. Here's a sampling of what's out there:
"Remedy's Max Payne, a perennial favorite at recent E3 conferences due to
its long development cycle, finally hit store shelves nationwide today, much
to the joy of thousands of eager PC gamers. After spending a brief amount of
time with the game today, it's pretty clear that their (and my) anticipation
was not misplaced: Max Payne's combination of great visuals, tight
storytelling, and intense gameplay make it easily the best single-player
action game released to date this year."
Rating: 92%
"It's not often you get an outstanding and original action game that's not just different from all other shooters to date, but also in many ways superior."
Rating: 93%
I can honestly say that Max Payne lives up to the hype. The game itself is a third-person shooter that recounts a dark and dirty flashback of undercover DEA agent Max Payne. And when I say dark, I mean pitch black. It's so gritty it almost made me sick at times -- but I mean that in a good way. The story is so well told and so involved that it's like you're playing a John Woo blockbuster on your computer. To say the story in Max Payne is intense is an understatement. [I]t's a non-stop thrill-ride the whole way through. The high-res textures in the game are some of the best I've ever seen, and make the game environments look super-realistic. [Max] is a title you absolutely must not miss if you're an action gamer.
no rating
Max Payne is superb, a thrill ride from start to finish that just gets better and better until you reach the literally explosive ending. Max Payne is an adrenaline-fuelled joy from start to finish.
Rating: 96%
Max Payne has a wow factor of 10.
Rating: 92%
The graphics in Max Payne are hands-down the best I've ever seen in any third person game released to date. The near photo-realistic texture support is stunning, and the weapon models look authentic down to the ammunition they fire (which you can actually see in 'bullet-time' mode). The game's textures are without a doubt of the highest visual quality, and even with the vividness they posses, don't slow the game's performance down much at all...I was completely engrossed throughout. The level design in Max Payne is fabulous...the nicest collection of levels I've seen in any game, period. Max Payne is by far the most stylish third person action game I've played and I'm still marveling at its beauty and bullet-time inspired game play.
Peliplaneetta (Finnish)
Rating: 92%
PC Alpha (French)
Rating: 94%
Stomped (an email from one of their writers):
I just wanted to let you and all the people associated with Max Payne know that it is one of the greatest, if not greatest game of all time! Listening to the readers of Stomped in irc along with people associated with other sites it looks like a lot of people agree with my view.
Rating: 91%
This is hands down the best third-person camera view that I've seen. The aftermath of a gunfight is obvious in Max Payne; dozens of bullet holes and casings litter a room, and many objects will be destroyed, smashed, or otherwise blown apart during the gunplay.
Rating: 90%
Unlike Tomb Raider, Max Payne kicks ass. It kicks some serious ass. We're talking impressive graphics, great story, excellent atmosphere, great music, hilarious (though sometimes forced) one-liners, great puns on games/movies, you name it, it's there.
Rating: 9/10
The graphics are stunning - probably the best we've ever seen in a computer game. The environments are damn near photo realistic, with walls that crater convincingly when shot. Without a doubt, Max Payne is the Action Game to get for 2001! It looks good and oozes style from every pore. A definitive must-have!
Max Payne gameplay is EXCELLENT and also very intuitive and you should have no trouble getting the movements and how to interact in the world of Max Payne in the 3rd-person perspective. Max Payne is definitely an excellent game, if you like 3D shooters and John Woo movies you must have it!
Rating: 93%
If you're in the mood for a stunning action game with what may be the coolest new gameplay effect in years, we can't recommend a better title. Max Payne is going to be the de facto standard third person.
Rating: 9/10
A good game/movie/book/comic draws you in and erases that boundary between the media and the reader/watcher/player. Max Payne is a great game in that respect for as you play you start to feel his anger and sadness. Your outrage at the final plot point and the satisfaction at the grand finale are moments of gaming greatness. The end is perfect and damn satisfying. [O]ne of the best games to come out in recent memory.
Rating: 98%
[T]here's action, style and a distinct personality and coolness about the whole game. [Bullet-time] is possibly the most stylish addition to a videogame since the inclusion of polygons! Graphically Max Payne is amazing, it is a true step up in quality. The game simply oozes personality.
Rating: 9/10
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM
Official Max Payne Texture Pack Released!
Max Payne ships with MaxEd, one of the easiest level editors around. Now comes the first file released from Remedy for use with that editor. Released today is the "Official Max Payne Texture Pack Number 1".
If you've spent some time with Max Ed, you'll find this file useful to you. You can download it here.
Speaking of MaxEd, there's a review you should check out. The folks over at Qmap.org (A Quake mapping community site) have a lengthy review/article on MaxEd vs. Quake mapping. You should check this out if you're at all interested in making your own maps. It's an outstandingly good read!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM
