May 31, 2002

Duke Nukem Advance Best FPS of Show

We were just informed that the forthcoming Duke Nukem Advance title was named "Best First Person Shooter" for the Gameboy Advance at the recent E3 show in Los Angeles. The IGN site posted their GameBoy Advance awardsrecently, and in it, Duke Nukem Advance got it's award! Here's what IGN had to say about it:

Wow. After seeing super early shots of this game back in September, we had no idea that Duke Nukem Advance would turn out this good. It's everything the PC Duke Nukem 3D was back in the day, but in handheld form...and that, folks, is a very good thing.

We will have more on this title shortly, but we thought you'd like to see this award. For those of you with a Gameboy Advance, make sure to check it out when it's released (which is "When it's done"). IGN does have some more information about the game available here, and is also taking pre-orders on the title, but again, we cannot vouch for the release date they have listed there.

Posted by Joe Siegler on May 31, 2002 at 4:50 PM | Permalink
News Categories: Console Games