Wanton Destruction for Shadow Warrior Released!
Over the years we've been asked several times whatever happened to the Shadow Warrior add-on pack, Wanton Destruction. This add-on was produced by a company called Sunstorm (featuring DNF developer Charlie Wiederhold). The add-on was completed, but then shelved by the distributor. It wasn't our choice, and it wasn't Sunstorm's choice. So the product sat. Eventually Sunstorm went out of business, and the product essentially died. As time went by, we at 3D Realms had thought the product was lost. We never had a copy ourselves of the add-on, and with the company non existent, the chances of releasing it were pretty much zero. We tried to locate it a few times over the years, but pretty much gave up hope, and wrote it off.
Fast forward to this Monday, and we get an email from Anthony Campiti, the former President of Sunstorm. Anthony tells us that he discovered a CD called "Add-on Archive 1". Much to his surprise (and ours), this CD contained the completed version of the Wanton Destruction add-on. A few emails were exchanged, and a CD arrived at 3D Realms HQ on Thursday afternoon with the materials!
So now we bring the file to you. Available now for download after having been thought lost all these years is the Wanton Destruction add-on for Shadow Warrior. If you still have your copy of the registered version of Shadow Warrior (that is required), fire it up, as there's some new stuff to check out. You can download the add-on from the links below. If you don't have a copy of Shadow Warrior, and want one, we still sell it, you can get one at our online store here, or you can just read more about Shadow Warrior here. In honor of the release of Wanton Destruction, we've reduced the price of Shadow Warrior from it's previous $19.95 to $10, so if you were thinking about it, now's the time!
Here's a few (newly written) words about the add-on from both Anthony & Charlie (then of Sunstorm) about Wanton Destruction:
Anthony Campiti: When Shadow Warrior was released, it quickly became the favorite game in the office. Who could forget those damn sticky bombs! When we were given the chance to create an add-on for SW, we jumped in determined to make it the best add-on product on the market. Our level designers did incredible work and stretched the limits of the BUILD engine.
Unfortunately, due to various circumstances Wanton Destruction was never released. Years went by and we moved onto dozens of other projects. But, recently I was going through our software archives and I found a CD-R labeled 'Add-on Archive 1'. I'm happy to say it includes a complete archive of the Wanton Destruction project. I quickly sent and email to 3DRealms so they could get into the hands of the Shadow Warrior fans! Enjoy more Lo Wang!
Charlie Wiederhold: "I want to thank Anthony Campiti (who founded Sunstorm Interactive and gave me my first professional gig in the industry) for finding and passing along a CD of Wanton Destruction he found recently. We've been looking high and Lo for it for years but it seemed lost to the ages. I personally think this is the best Build Engine add-on Sunstorm ever produced and I was always sad the Shadow Warrior fans never got to enjoy it.
Duke It Out in DC, Duke Carribean and Cryptic Passage were all created by a handful of people (literally, you could count them all on one hand). In 1997 Sunstorm was contracted to do two add-ons at the same time, so we decided to hire level designers from the Build community as contractors for the majority of the levels and Robert Travis and I worked with these designers to pull the whole thing together. When you read the credits list you might recognize a couple of them as they have gone on to professional careers in the gaming industry.
The Wanton Destruction add-on was completed and approved by 3D Realms, but unfortunately didn't go any farther. Shadow Warrior was a dream to build levels for so I'm happy that the work all the designers put into it will finally see the light of day. Even if a little late. Enjoy!
Here are the download links for the Wanton Destruction addon. We hope you enjoy it!
Please note that this add-on requires an unmodified v1.2 registered version of Shadow Warrior. In other words, if you're using the JonoF Windows port, you'll need to have the original DOS game available in order to get this installed.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:10 PM
Shadow Warrior Source Code Released
It's April 1st, so we have some news for you today. We've released the source code for Shadow Warrior!
Available now for download, the source code is being released under the GPL license - we still retain copyright on the game (plus we still sell Shadow Warrior). We've been asked many times to release this since our release of the Duke3D source two years ago, and we decided today was the day. You can check out the readme here before downloading the entire archive.
The folks reading this who aren't programmers probably won't have any interest in this release, but those who are programmers might want to check it out. A big thanks go out to all the Shadow Warrior fans around the world who have waited for this. We hope you enjoy it!
Download links:
* Fileshack
* 3D Gamers
* Fileplanet
Please remember that this is being released without any support from Apogee Software, Ltd or 3D Realms Entertainment. This is being provided as is. Having said that, we've set up this area on our forums for folks to discuss the source code. We also have source code for Rise of the Triad & Duke Nukem 3D available, you can download those from the downloads page.
P.S. Keep your eyes open for the unveiling of our next game very soon. ;)
Posted by Joe Siegler at 9:15 AM
New Shadow Warrior Maps Available!
Bet you never thought you'd see a news story by us on Shadow Warrior again, did you? Well, we've got one. Recently, our own Charlie Wiederhold released some maps for Shadow Warrior that he's had lying around since around 1998 for an unreleased addon-pack called "Wanton Destruction". Well, Charlie's now released these levels for your registered version of Shadow Warrior. Here's what Charlie has to say about them:

These are the levels I made for Wanton Destruction, an addon for Shadow Warrior by Sunstorm that unfortunately never saw the light of day. The finished version had new sounds, art, anime girls, fortune cookie fortunes, and all sorts of other little things. I personally think it was the best build engine addon Sunstorm made, but that's life. I've tried to track down the entire version but nobody seems to have it anywhere. The airplane map in this set is in my top 3 favorite of all levels I've ever made and is largely responsible for 3D Realms contacting me in the first place to work on Duke Forever when a new mapping position was needed. I hope some of the Shadow Warrior fans can get a little bit of fun from them at least, which is why they were made in the first place. It always pained me that nobody ever had the chance to play them.
So these long dormant levels can now be yours. Of course, you need a registered version of Shadow Warrior, but if you have one, you finally have some more levels to try out in 2004!
You can download them from our site here, or from Charlie's site. Who wants song Wang?
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:40 PM
Shadow Warrior Sound Patch Released
Ken Silverman has released another sound patch as a follow-up to the Duke Nukem 3D sound patch he released last week. This one does the same thing, only for Shadow Warrior! Make sure to check out the readme file for the patch before you attempt to install it.
For some time now, several customers of ours who have PCI sound cards (most specifically the Sound Blaster Live) have experienced sound problems when playing Shadow Warrior. Not everyone has encountered this problem, but for those who did, the sound errors and irregularities have been particularly annoying. Some of the places where this is happening in Shadow Warrior are:
*Episode 1, Level 1: In the pool
*Episode 1, Level 1: On the train tracks (near the end of the level)
Help is finally available for these folks. Available now on our master download page is a very small patch for Shadow Warrior which will correct this problem. If you download this patch and apply it, it will correct the problem for you. A few caveats about the patch:
*This is only for the following versions of Shadow Warrior: US v1.2 (both shareware & registered)
*None of the 3DFX patches are supported.
*No functionality is added to the game, nor is any game play changed. This is a minor sound patch only.
You can download this patch now, and if you run into any trouble, please make sure that your version of Shadow Warrior is installed, and has not been modified. If it has, the patch is likely to fail. In that event, you should reinstall your game from the original CD's and attempt to reapply the patch. If this still does not work, contact our Tech Support department.
For further technical support on any of our games, please visit our new Tech Support Online area, which contains the most common answers and solutions for just about every one of our games.
A special thanks goes out to Ken Silverman for getting this patch worked out. Ken is the original Build code programmer, and you can visit his web site here.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 10:45 AM
Shadow Warrior TC
Tonight Never Ends is the name of a new TC for Shadow Warrior. This one is James Bondish in theme and feel, so if you're a fan of 007, and play Shadow Warrior, this add-on is right up your alley! Here's a bit of what the creators of the TC had to say about it's release:
After 17 months of development, Tonight Never Ends, a brand new TC for Shadow Warrior, made by Lights Out, is finally completed!! Tonight Never Ends is one of the most anticipated TCs for Shadow Warrior. It includes new, large, creative and original levels, tons new art files, new and modified weapons, new Lo Wang sayings, a lot of new sound clips, new 3d sprites, new weapon strengths, and of course, a new final cut-scene!! This TC stars Lo Wang again, as he locks up James Bond and takes over his missions in his quest to end Zilla's empire once and for all.
This TC is available for download right now, so head on over to the TNE site today to get your copy! For more Shadow Warrior information and downloads, check out our own Shadow Warrior area here on the 3D Realms website!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Lo Wang's Rap
If you're familiar with the registered version of Shadow Warrior, then you should know this. But in case you don't... When you play Shadow Warrior, and complete the game, there is a special audio track presented. It's called "Lo Wang's Rap" and was written by our music and sound director, Lee Jackson. It's a pretty funny piece of music, especially if you're a fan of Shadow Warrior.
Anyway, we've had several requests to release this song in MP3 format, and we've done so! Available now on our FTP site is an mp3 file of the Lo Wang's rap song from the Shadow Warrior CD. Get "Lo Wang's Rap" while it's hot! If you need an MP3 player, we recommend Winamp. We think it's funny, and we think you will, too. If you enjoy it, let us know what you think of it. While you're at it, take a look at our Shadow Warrior area.
The download link above is an FTP link, if you have troubles downloading, visit our FTP help page.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
We wanted to point out that we have several books available for sale through our web site (well, they're actually from Amazon.com) about our games.
* First off, we wanted to point out that the two original Shadow Warrior Novels, For Dead
Eyes Only & You Only Die Twice are still available. If you haven't read these books, and you're a Shadow Warrior fan, you should check them out! In fact, we have the full text of the first chapter of For Dead Eyes Only available for you to read online! You can also read several reviews of each book written by people who have read them (or add your own if you wish).
* We also have several book links for titles about Duke Nukem! From strategy guides, to help with editing your own levels, to Internet help, we have something that you can use if you play Duke Nukem (either on the PC or the console games)!
* There's also links to older games like Terminal Velocity & Rise of the Triad, too!
If you want to see the complete list of books we have available, check out our Books page today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Shadow Warrior Updates
There have been a few files/items released recently that would be of great interest to Shadow Warrior Fans. Check 'em out...
Shadow Warrior Map Editing FAQ v1.4
Jonah Bishop, long known for his excellent Duke Nukem Map Editing FAQ is back with a new version of his Shadow Warrior Map Editing FAQ. The new update is up to v1.4, and is an excellent tool if you are into editing Shadow Warrior. Make sure to check it out at 3D Portal's MAP FAQ Central.
Lo Nukem
Ben Smit's newest Shadow Warrior TC entitled Lo Nukem was released September 12th. Lo Nukem's intent is to demonstrate the advancements made so far in the Total Conversion's Adaptation Program SwGroup, enabling TC's in general. Lo Nukem is a 4 level episode with new art and weapons from Duke 3D based maps. Download it now!
Wang City
The Shadow Warrior add-on, Wang City headed by Andrew Huppatz has been released. It is a six-level Wang Bang add-on focused on city maps.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
A Shadow Warrior Poem
From Joe Siegler: In going over some old Email, I found this Shadow Warrior poem that a user (Kristofer Kurtis) had sent me some time ago, and I forgot about. I thought I'd share it here. Kristofer calls it The Shadow Warrior Shareware Rap. Enjoy! :)
I like big weapons; make it easy to kill.
When everybody dead, I happy as hell.
Of all this endless killing, one must tire,
But I yell, "Burn, baby, burn!" when the flames-a-geet-a-higher!
There's lots of flora, fauna, secret passages, and how!
Let me check here, oh damn, I'm running into walls now!
And then there are the lapins with there unusual habits.
They explode for no reason, then have sex-- horny rabbits.
Anyway, I'll come getcha, and when I do
I'll say you look like a stupid and shtink like dead baboon!
I frag you again! Did I break your concentration?
Apparently you're in the midst of serious masturbation.
Quit jerking off, come fight me; you think you're so slick,
But I'll just say you not fight well with hands-- try dick!
I say I'm Lo Wang, then your brain go splat
And everybody dead-- I like that.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
3DFX Patch for Mac Shadow Warrior Released
MacSoft released the much anticipated 3Dfx patch for the Macintosh version of Shadow Warrior yesterday, along with an updated v1.01 non-3Dfx version. Here are the download links. If you'd like more information, please visit MacSoft's Shadow Warrior Page.. (3D Realms did not make this patch).
Patch links removed due to being not available anymore. If this changes, they will be restored.
NOTE: These are FTP links. If you're having trouble downloading, visit our FTP Help Page.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Three 3D Realms Games Awarded!
Softseek has awarded three of our games with their "Editor's Pick" award. The three games given this award are:
Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, & Terminal Velocity.
Softseek is a site dedicated to the distribution of Shareware, Freeware, & Evaluation software. You can get to their site by clicking on the graphic to your right. You can also see what they had to say about our games by clicking on each of the names above.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Shadow Warrior 3DFX Update Info
We are testing the final version of the v1.1 3Dfx patch for Shadow Warrior. (This is not to mean that it will work with v1.1 of the game, it won't - This is a update to the existing 3Dfx patch, so it's called the 3Dfx patch 1.1). If there aren't any problems, we anticipate a release by Friday of this week. Here is some of what you can look forward to in the upgraded patch:
* You can now save/load games successfully.
* Can select resolutions from the set3dfx.exe program.
* F5 will toggle resolutions in the game now.
* Colors are no longer "muddy" and match the software version closely.
* Status bar should no longer be "garbled".
* Added 800x600 support.
* Smoke Bomb will now make your hands transparent, so you can tell you are invisible.
* Multiplay frag bar no longer has top line cut off
* Better error message if glide2x.ovl not found in your path.
Thanks to everyone for being patient for the new patch.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Shadow Warrior 3DFX Patch News
The following is an official statement from 3Dfx regarding the lack of Voodoo Rush support in the 3Dfx patch for Shadow Warrior.
From Brian:
"The conversion of the Build engine (used in Shadow Warrior, Blood, etc.) was originally started and prototyped on Voodoo Graphics. Due to the engine's span-based architecture as opposed to Voodoo's triangle based rasterizing, there were many obstacles to overcome. Over the course of months we were able to get Voodoo's performance better by taking some shortcuts and focusing entirely on that piece of hardware.
Once completed, we realized that the shortcuts we took would not lend themselves well to performance on Voodoo Rush (frame buffer memory is laid out differently for example.) Although considerable time was spent exploring Voodoo Rush support, nothing short of redesigning the entire engine would fix this. We came to the unfortunate conclusion that Voodoo Rush support could not be included in this product.
3Dfx Interactive remains committed to supporting its game developers and consumers for both Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo Rush. Although the differences between Voodoo Graphics and Voodoo Rush hardware are minimal and don't affect many games, a couple have turned up. Unfortunately, the Build engine is one of them. As always 3Dfx will continue to work on getting the best and most number of titles optimized for Voodoo owners."
Brian P. Bruning
3Dfx Interactive Developer Relations Manager
Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:01 PM
