Maximum Max Coverage!
Today, we bring you several Max Payne previews and reviews. Make sure to check 'em all out!
First up is a preview from DailyRadar. This article is actually from PC Gamer, and here's a bit of what they had to say..
*When I was asked to do a two-page write up on Max Payne, I was tempted just to run a montage of screenshots along with two words: Holy Cow.
*The camera pulled out, and out, and out. It was like the opening of Fight Club in reverse. We went from the bottom floor, through the upper floors, out the ceiling, and stopped when we had a bird's-eye view of the entire skyscraper, all without a single noticeable drop in framerate.
*Mark my words Max Payne will be to the gaming world what The Matrix was to Hollywood.
One thing about the PC Gamer preview. They give a release date of "Nov 15, 2000". Astute 3D Realms visitors will know that this is not true - the release date is "When it's done".
The second preview is from PC Games Central. This multi page preview comes with all the usual things - glowing preview, screenshots, and lots of spooge. Check out some of what they had to say.
*However, what makes this character stand out is that he has a compelling story behind him. The Film Noir themes play to the character's advantage.
*Gamers with high-end systems should be able to witness some very cool animation while those with slower systems may miss out on a little. This is because the animation is interpolated, signifying that the number of frames of animation is dependent on the speed of your gaming rig.
*With a handful of great titles in the works, this game will definitely help in bringing the competition to their knees.
Our third preview today comes from the gaming news site, Voodoo Extreme. This preview is shorter than the others, but is worth checking out, too. They have some nice large screenshots, as well as some cool stuff to say about the game:
*From watching some of the action sequences, one could speculate that cinematography was a major for at least one of the stoic Finnish designers.
*Boasting highly detailed world textures and near-photorealistic skins on the characters, the MAX-FX game engine simply blew us all away.
Finally, our fourth previewof the day comes from the website In their "Max Payne Sneak Peak", you are given more about the game - so if you've checked out the first three previews, you should check this one out, too. Here's some samples:
*The quality of the graphics and the visual effects is more than enough to make anyone desire for more.
*It is similar to watching a five star action flick, where you have the chance to see a phenomenal amount of eye candy.
The neoseeker site also has some unique screenshots - they scanned some pages from a Gathering of Developer handout from May's E3 show. I've not seen these on the net elsewhere before.
It's a lot of information, but it's worth reading through all of it for the Maximum Max Coverage!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:00 PM