Duke Nukem: Zero Hour in Windows
We have a file that we'd like to bring to you. If you're a fan of Duke Nukem: Zero Hour (or just Duke Nukem), you'll be interested in this. It's a Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Windows background file. The file (shown in thumbnail to your right) makes a great Windows background for your computer.
We have a few different file formats for you to download. First, you can just click on the image shown below for a larger version in another window. Most web browsers (Netscape/Internet Explorer) have a function where you can right click on the image and "Set as Wallpaper". That is the easiest way to do it.
Or, if you'd prefer, you can download this bmp version of the picture. A small warning - The BMP file is somewhat large at 1.19Mb. Either way, it's a great way to get Duke on your background!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Zero Hour Magazine Praise Follow Up
On September 20th, our Duke Nukem: Zero Hour praise had a somewhat confusing piece of text. That was:
"...it makes Tomb Raider look like an old-biddy hobbling around Tesco's with a zimmerframe."
One of our fans (Chris Weil) emailed us and told us what this would mean to an American:
"...it makes Tomb Raider look like an old bag limping around Albertsons with a shopping cart."
That quote confused us, we hope this cleared it up for you, too. Thanks Chris!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Apogee Shrine!
A follow-up to the Duke Shrine email from a few days ago.. We received an email from Eric Baker (one of our old beta testers), and he sent some captures of the walls of his computer room. Here's what he has to say about his "Beta Shrine!":
Hey Joe,
I saw the article about Ross' Duke shrine in the news section of the 3DR web page and I thought I'd pass mine on...
The first picture consists of posters I made when I was a beta tester. I made one for every game I beta tested except for Shadow Warrior (which I really need to do.)
>From left to right- Beta symbol, Xenophage, Duke3D, Stargunner, HiSpeed/Death Race/Death Rally, Duke Nukem Plutonium Pak, and Balls of Steel. I made the posters by collecting screenshots from the game as it evolved from it's buggy unpolished state to what it looked like when it was released.
The second picture is a poster that I made from the boxes that you guys used to send games in before they were sold in stores with fancy foiled, embossed graphics.
If you have any of these kinds of pictures, please let us know about it. If we get enough of them, we'll start a section devoted entirely to these things. Thanks! (You can click on either of these thumbnails for a larger image.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour TV Commercial!
Some of you may have spotted this on the TV already, but there is a commercial currently airing for the Nintendo 64 title, Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. It has been airing on MTV & Fox, among others. We've had many requests to release this, and now we've done so!
Starting today, you can download the Duke Nukem: Zero Hour television commercial from our site. It is available in two formats:
1.MPG - 7.2Mb
2.RealVideo - 809k
In addition, there are more downloads available from our master download page, both for Zero Hour, and our entire product line!
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is now available in stores for the N64 only. If you want to learn more about Duke Nukem: Zero Hour pages. You can also buy the game online, too!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
A Duke Nukem Shrine!
Occasionally, we get fan emails and letters from fans showing us their setups or pictures of themselves playing our games. It's always cool to see feedback like this from our fans, but this time, we wanted to point out some pictures of a Duke Nukem Shrine that were sent to us recently. These come from 15 year old Duke fan Ross Baker from Wisconsin. Here's a little of what Ross had to say about himself:
My name is Ross Baker, and I live in Wisconsin... yup, I think that's about it.. I'm 14... turning 15 on the eighth, and I am extremely obsessed with the Duke. I got my hair done like his, and I have a full hand-made costume. (I have the red shirt with the yellow fallout shelter symbol on it now, so I wear that instead of the marines one.)
Ross refers to his "Duke costume", which we don't have a picture of, but sounds cool. Here are the pictures he sent us of some of his Duke Shrine:
Ross also tells us everything that's in his shrine pictures:
Oh, while I'm at it, I might as well tell you what I have.. in the pic Shrineone, from top left to bottom right, I have: The Original Duke Nukem 3D box, the Duke Nukem plutonium pack box, the Duke it out in DC box, the Duke X-treme box, Duke Nukem atomic edition (not opened) box, Special edition (adult) note for Atomic Edition, Duke! Zone manual, SWAT Duke (My 2nd most valued thing), PC Gamer Cover, Time To Kill secret pamphlet (on a tilt), the inside cardboard thingies for the Battlelord, Pigcop, N-Strike, and Octabrain figures, Duke Nukem figure that doesn't have the Freezethrower or the Shareware CD (Not opened), Octabrain figure, Battle-Damage Duke box (I made), Duke Nukem figure without the CD, box, or Words "Duke Nukem" on that cardboard thingy (Not opened), Duke Nukem 1, episode one 5 1/2 inch floppy disk, (Hey, I like the game! Even if Duke is only 9 pixels...) Duke Nukem 2 shareware diskette, Duke's Car, with working gatling gun, and lights, (Got it from somewhere, put the gun on it, and said, hey.. Duke might like this...) Some shotgun shell's and fake (FAKE!) pipebombs, and of course my bandolier... or something like that. (The thing that holds shells, like in the RossisDuke picture.)
And in the Close-up picture: Duke Nukem limited edition statue (My most valued piece), Duke Nukem action figure, Octabrain action figure, Pigcop figure hidden behind Duke, Night-Striker Duke, Battle-Damage Duke (Sitting), Pigcop "Pong" piece (It's got a mad pic on it with red eyes, so, what the hey, ya know?), A name-tag that spells out DUKE in red (Laying on the table), and a battle-lord action figure.
Whew! I think that's it.. I have more stuff, but I need more room!
Ross had sent us some pictures some time ago of his "Battle Damaged" Duke Nukem action figures. If you'd like to see that, check out our September 1998 entry about Ross's figures.
If you have a Duke Shrine, or have pictures of cool Duke stuff like this, send it our way. We're looking at starting a section about things like this if we get enough submissions. It can be about any of our games, it doesn't have to be Duke Nukem, either.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Zero Hour Praise
"This time around you see Duke's massive bulk running around in front of you. We were worried that this viewpoint would be really awkward to use, but it's been done with such skill that it makes Tomb Raider look like an old-biddy hobbling around Tesco's with a zimmerframe. (3D Realms note: This quote from a England magazine -- we don't understand the references either!) There's no awkward camera angles in this game and you can constantly see what's running around in front of you." -- N64 Magazine
Okay, you've read how great this game is, the next step is to BUY IT!
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour is now available in stores for the N64 only. Look for the cool live action Duke TV commercial, too. Go to our Duke Nukem: Zero Hour pages to read more about this hot game and to see screen shots.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem a Top 10 Hero!
Gamespot recently ran a piece titled "Ten best heroes in Gaming". They pick the 10 best (in their opinion) computer game 'heroes' and ranked them. Our own Duke Nukem was listed in the article - here's a bit of what they had to say about Duke:
* After 1996, however, 3D Realms released the third in the Duke Nukem line of action games, giving the series a makeover, and injecting Duke Nukem with a healthy dose of brash attitude that, to this day, cannot be found in any other game.
* Duke's colorful commentary has become instantly recognizable across the entire spectrum of gamers.
Make sure to check out the entire article, as they list several other computer game characters in addition to Duke.
Thanks Ben Taylor.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Cheats
We've had many requests for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour cheats, and now we've got them. Available in our cheat code area are the cheats for Duke Nukem: Zero Hour. However, they're not your standard "cheat codes" as you know them to be.
The cheats in Duke Nukem: Zero Hour are unique. You can't enter "codes" to get them; you must earn them by successfully completing levels. In fact, various factors within the levels will enable certain secrets. Once you have earned a secret, you'll need to start a new game and you'll be able to access the cheats from the main menu in order to enable them. In addition to cheats, a new Dukematch character will become available, allowing you to play Dukematch with the character.
Check out our cheat code area right now - it contains cheats to all of our games, not just Duke Nukem: Zero Hour.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Music to Score by Available Direct From 3D Realms
We've had several requests about the Duke Nukem: Music to Score by CD's availability direct from 3D Realms. Previously, it was not available. That has changed. We are now selling the Duke Nukem: Music to Score by CD direct from 3D Realms!
In stock, and available for shipping right now, this Enhanced CD is packed to the brim with goodies that any Duke Nukem fan will love. Here's a sample of some of the items on this Enhanced CD:
* Time To Kill Interactive Strategy Guide
* Windows Screen Savers and Wallpaper
* Behind the Scenes Photo Look at the Making of the Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Commercial
* Shareware Versions of Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem 3D
* Duke-isms - Listen to the King say many of his popular phrases
* Web links to cool sites
This is only the Multimedia Portion of the disc. There is also a full audio content, consisting of 12 tracks, including songs from Megadeth, Type O Negative, Stabbing Westward, Slayer, Coal Chamber, and many more. One of the tracks is Megadeth's cover recording of the Duke Nukem Theme song!
Make sure to check out the full details on this disc here on our site. From this page, you can download samples of several of the songs on the CD. Or, you can just call 1-800-3DREALMS to order your copy today! Further ordering information is available on our website here.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Shadow Warrior TC
Tonight Never Ends is the name of a new TC for Shadow Warrior. This one is James Bondish in theme and feel, so if you're a fan of 007, and play Shadow Warrior, this add-on is right up your alley! Here's a bit of what the creators of the TC had to say about it's release:
After 17 months of development, Tonight Never Ends, a brand new TC for Shadow Warrior, made by Lights Out, is finally completed!! Tonight Never Ends is one of the most anticipated TCs for Shadow Warrior. It includes new, large, creative and original levels, tons new art files, new and modified weapons, new Lo Wang sayings, a lot of new sound clips, new 3d sprites, new weapon strengths, and of course, a new final cut-scene!! This TC stars Lo Wang again, as he locks up James Bond and takes over his missions in his quest to end Zilla's empire once and for all.
This TC is available for download right now, so head on over to the TNE site today to get your copy! For more Shadow Warrior information and downloads, check out our own Shadow Warrior area here on the 3D Realms website!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy
The second of two new Duke Nukem games to be released this month is due later this week. This game is "Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy". We have a lot of information about this game on our web site for you to check out.
First are our Gameboy pages, which include some game info, screenshots, and more. Also available today is a press release for Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy. Here's the beginning of it:
NEW YORK, NY, September 2, 1999 - His kingdom now stretches to the vast lengths and widths of every current gaming platform, as GT Interactive Software Corp. (Nasdaq:GTIS) announces the release of Duke Nukem for the Game Boy Color. Developed by Torus Games, Duke Nukem's first Game Boy title features 16 vivid levels, each with a bold new look, a plethora of destructive weapons and alien enemies whose focus is to destroy the infamous Duke Nukem.
Duke Nukem for the Game Boy Color features an incredibly sophisticated game engine providing high-octane gameplay that will 'nuke' your Game Boy! In addition to classic Duke Nukem adrenaline-pumping gameplay, the Game Boy Color delivers state of the art animation and graphics, as well as a "built in battery-pack" that allows the player to save their game at any point, rather than at the end of each level like the majority of titles for the Game Boy.
You can check out the full press release here. After you've read up on the game, you can also BUY IT online, too!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Joins Monster Cable Program
Today, a press release was issued by Monster Cable Products, a manufacturer of cables and accessories announcing Duke Nukem's 'endorsement' of their product line. Below is the press release:
Monster Cable Products, Inc., the world's leading manufacturer of high-end, audio, video, computer, gaming cables, and accessories, proudly announces that world-renowned alien ass-kicker Duke Nukem is lending his name to their prestigious line-up of Famous Monsters. In the past, Monster Cable has relied on a very select group of top musicians and entertainment industry professionals who use and endorse Monster Cable to complete the Famous Monsters roster. Today, Monster Cable adds a man so elite, that he is in a field of one. As a many time world-saver, highly successful entrepreneur, best-selling author (Why I'm So Great, ISBN: 0-7821-1869-0) and famed babe-magnet, Nukem is clearly one of the most famous men on the planet-and is pleased to team with Monster Cable.
"Hey--they asked. I'm the best. They're the best. Good fit," noted Nukem. When pressed for more, Nukem rearranged the cigar in his teeth, adding, "I got a call from Noel Lee, the boss over there, he actually goes by the name 'The Head Monster,' clearly this guy knows what he likes-in addition to making the best cables on the planet." Nukem grinned, "I can respect that."
Not only is Monster Cable supplying their superlative cabling for Duke's computer systems and home theaters, including full wiring for his new Las Vegas casino, The LadyKiller, they're also wiring his award winning game studio, 3D Realms Entertainment. 3D Realms is currently developing Nukem's much awaited PC game, Duke Nukem Forever.
When asked for final words, Nukem snarled, "Monster Cable. Come Get Some."
If you'd like to download a Microsoft Word version of the press release, you can do so here.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
