Duke Nukem Forever IV
The folks over at AGN3D are still at it. They've posted some more questions asked of George Broussard of Duke Nukem Forever. Here's a sample from their latest offering...
Q: Will DNF maintain the EXTREMELY GREAT sense of humor that poured from Duke Nukem 3D?
A: Yes. Duke is Duke, and he won't change, although he might move a bit beyond only saying one liners in the game. But don't worry, there will be plenty of those as well.
There's more, so make sure and check out AGN3D's latest, as well as the other questions they asked (see below for more links).
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
The Dallas Stars
Late Saturday night (early Sunday morning) after just about three full overtime periods, the Dallas Stars captured the Stanley Cup for the first time in team history. Controversy? Feh. In the crease? Waaah. We won. Here's what one of our own folks has to say about the winning goal. If you're intrested in some hockey coverage, check out this link.
One funny story from our webmaster, Joe Siegler...
"I was in Houston this weekend with Lee Jackson, and on the Saturday drive down, we passed Buffalo, Texas on Rt. 45. There were giant stars pasted right on top of the word Buffalo on the highway signs. It was very funny to see. And this was before the cup had been won, too."
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Microsoft & Game Ratings
Earlier today, this news report came across the AP News Wire. It's about a product that Microsoft is creating called "Windows Game Blocker". Essentially, what it will do is give parents the ability to block off specific material on their computers. Here's a snippet from the news wire story...
The Redmond, Wash.-based software company is currently working with game manufacturers to embed code information on ratings in their new games, which the Windows Game Manager would check, said Kevin Bachus, product manager for Microsoft's multimedia group. Game ratings are currently printed on game packaging.
The feature would allow parents to keep games containing excessive violence, sexual content or expletives from being played on the computer. Microsoft's Internet Explorer has a similar feature that can be used to block access to certain Web sites, he added.
Exactly how this will impact 3D Realms and our games is as of yet undecided. When there's more to report on this issue, we'll have something more.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Action Figure Museum
Resaurus, the maker of the various Duke Nukem Action figures, has a new feature online at their web site. Entitled "The Interactive Virtual Museum", it's a showcase of all of their Duke action figures in a 3D environment. It's not all that different from our own Virtual Tour, except that it's about action figures, and not our offices. It covers both the line of Duke Nukem figures, as well as the enemy figures. As a bonus, they've hidden an as of yet unseen variant of the Duke action figure in the museum.
It's pretty cool, and does require the use of a free plugin (Flatland Rover), but once loaded, it's a pretty different way to check out information on their various action figures. Make sure to check it out today. Shown to your right is a screen capture of the site. You can click on the screen capture here for a larger version of the image.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Vive Le Zero Hour!
From across the Atlantic comes word that the French gaming site "InfosGames" has a "Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Dossier" online. It appears to be a game preview with screen shots, and commentary about the game.
Unfortunately, the Altavista Babelfish translator appears to be down, and the page can't be translated. However, for those fans of ours who are French, or can read French, you might want to check out the preview!
Thanks InfosGames.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Broussard on Duke Nukem Forever
The folks over at AGN3D have several Q&A sessions up with George Broussard, project leader on Duke Nukem Forever. It's somewhat short (only four questions), but is the absolute latest (as of today) on Duke Nukem Forever. Here's one of the questions:
Q: Considering that Unreal didn't, will DNF feature any engine modifications that allow for bullet marks and other marks created by gunfire?
A: Yes. Duke Nukem 3D & Rise of the Triad were the 1st FPS games to feature things like bullet holes and blood splats on walls, so you can be sure they are coming back.
The question here is from just one of three sessions, actually. Over the last three days, they've posted severeal questions asked of George about Duke Nukem Forever. Make sure to check out all three of them! (June 15th, June 16th, & June 17th). There's some good stuff in here, so make sure and check 'em all out!
While you're at it, make sure to check out our FAQ area, which includes links to the Official Duke Nukem Forever FAQ (by 3D Portal's Dukeworld). That is the best place to learn anything about Duke Nukem Forever. If we've said something about Duke Nukem Forever, then it's in the FAQ. If it's not in the FAQ, then we haven't said anything.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Max Payne Video Released
The eagerly awaited 1999 Max Payne E3 Video has been released! Last year, 3D Realms had a full entourage at E3, but this year, only a handful of 3D Realms people were there. One of the big features there was Max Payne, and now you can see what folks at E3 saw - the floor video!
Showing off the graphic style and flavor of Max Payne, you're sure to love this video. You can download this file today over at the Official Max Payne Site. You can download it either as the original large file, or a smaller version that we created in the RealMedia format.
Also, the gaming news site GA-Source has posted their impressions of this video, and here's a bit of what they had to say..
Max Payne can performing the coolest moves I have even seen in any 3rd person game, including Raven's Heretic II. From the standard crouch to the "John Woo-style" sideways jump while shooting both guns to falling backwards then flipping back up in karate style. Max Payne can perform moves that other game characters have only dreamed about.
GA-Source had a lot more to say too, so make sure to check out their site for their remarks on the '99 Max Payne E3 Video.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy Update
In other Duke news, the Duke Nukem Color GameBoy game is nearing completion. 3D Realms is reviewing what is nearly the final version of the game. Recently we pushed really hard for GT to add a battery to the cartridge, so you can save/load your games. No more writing down clumsy passwords for your levels loads. This makes a huge difference in "fun factor" and we're sure you will all agree when you play the game. This is one of the VERY few titles outside of a Nintendo game that actually have a battery on the cart.
Duke Nukem on the Color Gameboy is the perfect game for a trip where you are stuck in a car or plane for a few hours.
Once we sign off on the final version, it will begin the process of review by Nintendo and then getting produced. We will keep you posted along the way.
If you'd like to learn more about Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy, visit our pages for the game, which includes several screenshots!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour Goes Gold
Here's some news that will answer a question that everyone's been asking about.
Duke Nukem: Zero Hour has been completed, and is now off to manufacturing. This means that the game itself should street about August 15, 1999. We'll be posting more info about this as it gets closer to the final street date, but for now, we wanted to pass along the news that the game is done!
In the meantime, you can check out our Zero Hour pages to learn more about the game itself (which includes screenshots!)
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Duke Nukem Forever
A short update to let everyone know that we updated the the list of team members working on Duke Nukem Forever today. We are aware that we have little to nothing in the way of Duke Nukem Forever info on our web site, but that's by design. We may (keyword is may here) do some work on putting some info on the web site shortly, but nothing solid has been discussed here. If you're looking for Duke Nukem Forever info, here are two places that it's good to look at:
*Our Web Forums - We have a section set aside for Duke Nukem Forever, and various team members drop in from time to time to say something.
*3D Portal's Duke Nukem Forever FAQ - This is the official FAQ for Duke Nukem Forever, and contains any info that we've released about the game. If you're looking for something and it's not in this FAQ, then we haven't released any info about it.
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
A Look Back at Duke Nukem 3D
The 3D Gaming Network has an article online today, which is a look at Duke Nukem 3D. The piece is called "Look Back: Duke Nukem 3D", and was written by two 3DGN staffers, Eric Rasmussen & Rob Walker. In it, they talk about their memories of Duke Nukem 3D and how it affected them in 1996 (It's now been 3 years since we shipped the full version of Duke 3D now!). Here's a bit of what they had to say..
*One of the reasons Duke3d is such a classic is because of its wacky humor and unorthodox style. You weren't just "Space Marine"; you were a real character with personality, "Duke Nukem."
*The weapons were unique throughout the game also; many of which still haven't been exceeded in terms of sheer creativity and fun.
*It had the best humor in any game to date, and the action doesn't disappoint either.
They had a lot more to say about the game, so make sure to check out the entire Duke Nukem 3D lookback over at 3DGN today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
Max Payne Development Update
The Official Max Payne Website has a new development update online!
Recently, some of the Remedy staff working on Max Payne took a trip to New York City to photograph several places and things for use in Max Payne. The thinking was that since the game is set in New York City, it's probably a good idea to go there and check things out for the realism factor.
Their trip is documented in this new update, which tells the story of their not-so-standard tourist trip to New York, to places like the subway, Harlem, and other places that you'd expect to find foreign visitors with cameras in! Check out the entire story (along with a few photos) over at the Max Payne Website today!
Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:00 PM
