May 2000 Archives

May 31, 2000

More on the Duke Family Story

The response to the Duke Nukem Sims family story has been pretty great. It was a great fun piece to put together, but I may have to expand on the story. Why? The person who skinned Duke, Lara, & the E3 booth babe has now skinned the other E3 booth babe. Might be time to re-open Family Duke and see what else this new person can disrupt. If you haven't checked it out, go check out the Duke Nukem Simmed Family story today. Also, if you want to download this skin (or a ton of other very cool skins for the Sims), check out The Seven Deadly Sims web site today. Its' very cool.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:50 PM

May 31, 2000

Max Payne Music Available

Tero Kostermaa from Remedy Entertainment emailed us this morning to tell us about the availability of some Max Payne related music over at Tero is the guy who composed the music that is on the two most recent Max Payne E3 floor videos. Due to popular demand, he has made these available from his page over at

On this page, you can download the 2000 or 1999 E3 floor video soundtracks, as well as other compositions that are not Max Payne related. You can either download the mp3, or you can listen streaming, too. Make sure and listen today!

In other Max Payne news, Remedy Entertainment's web site has been updated with a big list of various previews and reviews of Max Payne from the recent E3 show. Check it out.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:50 PM

May 28, 2000

Gamespot Best of E3 - Max Payne

The gaming news site Gamespot has chosen their "Best of E3" awards based on what they saw at this year's E3 show in Los Angeles. Among the various winners was Remedy Entertainment's Max Payne. Gamespot has it in the "Most Potent Action Games" category. Here's what they had to say about Max Payne:

Max Payne is a third-person action shooter that's been in development for a long time and won't be released "until it's done." However, the build we saw at E3 looked very impressive - it showed an enormous amount of detail, both on the character model of Max (and his enemies) and in the game's gritty New York City environments, which included skycrapers and dingy subway stations.

Max Payne won't just be a shallow shooter; the game will record each of Max's exploits in a graphic novel that will include JPEG images of the gunfights and adventures he's survived, as well as a vocal narrative by Max himself.

To learn more about Max Payne, as well as download your own copy of the floor video from the recent E3 show, visit the Official Max Payne site at right now!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 5:50 PM

May 26, 2000

The (Simmed) Duke Nukem Family Story

As promised earlier in the day, here is the story promised about Duke Nukem, the E3 booth babe, & Lara Croft in "The Sims". There are around 60 pictures, each with a caption. They all tell a funny story, so make sure to check 'em all out. The subjects range from babes to hot tubs to overflowing toilets to other stuff we don't want to tell you about now - you'll have to read the story. Here's one sample from the full story...

"Duke sets the stove on fire after trying to light it with a flame thrower!"

Just one small remark to those who will try and read too much into this story... This is all a joke played out in "The Sims" by Maxis. There are no plans to actually do this either from 3D Realms or Eidos. Repeat to yourself.. It's just a joke - it's just a joke - it's just a joke! Thanks once more to Buke for letting us know about these skins!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 8:15 PM

May 26, 2000

Interview with Joe Siegler

The gaming news spoof site, The Mushroom has posted an interview with our webmaster, Joe Siegler in their "legit news section". In this interview, Joe is asked about several things ranging from his personal life, to the camera captioning contest here, to Duke Forever, and what makes a good web site. Here's a bit from the interview:

Q: Is there any advice you can offer to those who are thinking of designing their own web page?

A: Yeah, have some design sense. So many web pages out there are flat out *BAD*. Also, if you put out a web page, and never update it - forget it. Web pages that succeed are constantly updated, giving people a reason to come back. It's like having a kid - just because you're capable of doing it, it doesn't necessarily mean you SHOULD do it. Give it some thought first.

Q: You were one of the designers for 5 of the levels in the game Rise of the Triad. Is there anything that you have hidden in any of the levels that most people wouldn't be aware of? Kind of like a signature design that says "Joe Siegler was here?"

A: Well, I did sign most of my levels with my initials somewhere. When we were designing levels, one of Tom Hall's instructions to the team was "Don't write words in the levels with the walls" - meaning, no secret messages in the game. However, I got around this in two ways. First, I asked him "Well, what if I use Standard Galactic Alphabet?" (the language in the Keen games) - he laughed, and let me use that, so I put a message that says "Dopefish Lives" in some walls in one of my levels.

There's a lot more from Joe here - so make sure to check out the interview today. This isn't your usual one line answer interview.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:45 PM

May 26, 2000

Max Payne Gets a Quickie

Our old friends over at 3DGN have done up another quickie for Max Payne.

Despite the fact that the name implies there isn't much there, this preview they've done up based on the recent E3 show has some good information in it. Here's some of that info:

This game is going to make you wet your shorts. The skins are absolutely astounding.

Everything in this game is photorealistic and the faces of your enemies are just as clear and detailed as your neighbor's mug. The environments are ambient and nightmarish cityscapes that would probably frighten the hero of Kingpin.

Check this out, when you fire off a round from your Beretta, there will actually be a bullet rocketing out of your gun and into the body of the bad guy you just shot.

As far as I am concerned, I am just not cut out for this kind of work (level designing).

Anyway, that will all be in the past if the gaming future follows the path of Max Payne's level editor. Levels are all designed in the first person. A child could figure it out. Textures can be dragged and shifted with a couple of mouse clicks and events can be rolled out on the fly if you think you need a little variety. All told, it looked so easy that I wondered why I was watching the demo instead of creating the game myself.

There is a lot more in this article. It is relatively short, but is rather packed with information. Make sure and head on over to 3DGN for your own quickie!

For more information on Max Payne, make sure and visit the Official Max Payne web site at

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:45 PM

May 26, 2000

Duke Nukem Marries Lara Croft?

That's something that a lot of younger fans seem to ask us a lot. No, it's not really happening, but if you want to make it happen now, you can. How? Well, if you're familiar with the Maxis smash game, "The Sims", you now have it in your hands to be able to do this.

It was recently brought to our attention by "Buke" that there is a Duke Nukem skin for the game out there. It's available at the site "The 7 Deadly Sims", and a picture of it is shown here. Other skins you can pick up there are Lara Croft (with or without shades), as well as one of the recent E3 3D Realms Duke Nukem booth babes. Yup - one of our booth babes has been modeled in the Sims, too! If you own the Sims, you should definitely check out these for your game. We did, and are working on a very funny story with Duke Nukem, Lara Croft, & the booth babe model. That story will be posted shortly.

Check out these screen shots below of the skins.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:45 PM

May 19, 2000

User Friendly

Right before we left for E3, this cartoon popped up online over at the web site for the online strip, "User Friendly". It's pretty funny, in addition to describing rather a lot of people who work in this industry. If you want to check out the full size version, click on the cartoon, and you'll be taken to the User Friendly site.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:40 PM

May 19, 2000

Terminal Velocity Background

tvplanet.jpg (185411 bytes)

In preparing this news update, I was looking through some old graphics on my HD for an image I needed, and I found this picture. It was from the development cycle of Terminal Velocity, the first 3D Realms title ever released (back in the Spring of 1995). Anyway, I saw this picture, and thought it would make an awesome Windows background, and it does! A small thumbnail of the shot is shown here, but if you're interested in making this your Windows background, here's how you can do it:

1. First, click on the thumbnail shown here - it will load a much larger picture in another window.

2.Right click on that picture

3.Select the text "Set as Wallpaper"

That's it! Hope you enjoy this file.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:40 PM

May 19, 2000

E3 Photo Update

From our Webmaster, Joe Siegler...

"The response to the mass amount of photos I put online has been great. I was a bit concerned that people might be overwhelmed with so many photos, but the response has been great. So much so, that a few other people asked me to put up even more! Anyway, I've gone through several of the pages and updated the various descriptions based on information people sent in to me on who these people (or things) were. Thanks to all that sent in email - there's too many to list here, though." You can check out the E3 2000 pictures here.

One other thing - a post in our web forums alerted us to a rather funny comic over at - it's a strip that talks about "E3 Booth Babes" from the "booth babe's point of view". It's very funny - check it out! Thanks moonbuzz.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:40 PM

May 19, 2000

Planet of the Babes Commercial

A few weeks ago, we reported on the appearance of a Playboy Playmate (Brande Roderick) having been in a Duke Nukem commercial.

Well, we've tracked down the commercial. It's the current TV commercial for Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes. Thanks to our contacts over at GT, they informed us that Brande is in this commercial. We've also now made the commercial available for you to download. It's in an mpg format, and you can download it by clicking on the screen capture to your right from the commercial.

There's plenty of babes to check out there, so if you're a fan of Duke, or are interested in Planet of the Babes, you should download it now! For more information on Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes, check out our page for it, or visit n-Space, the makers of the game.

In other Duke news, you knew this was bound to happen - Duke has made it into one of the bazillion "Wazzzup" parodies that are floating around the net. This one is made up of video game characters, and Duke is in this one, along with Lara Croft, Pikachu, & Mario. You can download a file of this parody here (it requires Quicktime v4 to play, though).

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM

May 19, 2000

Interview with Petri Jarvilehto

We've got a big news update today with lots of things to read and download, so let's get right to it.

In the wake of all the cool press that Max Payne received at this past year's E3 show, comes this new interview with Max Payne project lead, Petri Jarvilehto. In this interview Petri is asked the usual questions, as well as some that are a little different. Here's a sample:

Q: The following was posted on the 3D Realms msg board: "The game has developed great, and we've done some radical changes to it". Could you tell us some more about these changes?

A: I think the biggest change is the single player focus. Around 6 months ago we had a long brainstorm/design session with Scott Miller and George Broussard from 3D Realms, and we decided that it's better to focus on the single player. The reasons behind this were that with the gameplay we started to come up with new ideas that can only be properly done in single player game, and it was starting to feel like the multiplayer would end up being a stripped version of the single player.

Q: What kind of system will you need to run Max Payne?

A: We're not releasing final specs yet, but to give you some idea, I'm currently using a Celeron 400 and TNT2 at the office, and I'm getting playable framerates without scaling anything down.

Petri has more to say in this interview, so make sure and check it out over at eXposure2k. For more on Max Payne, you can check out the official Max Payne web site at, which has screenshots, some info, as well as a download of the new 2000 E3 Floor video!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 12:15 PM

May 18, 2000

E3 Photos Online

From our Webmaster, Joe Siegler...

"Well, after a couple of days prep work, the E3 pictures I took are now online. I actually used much less than I took - there's more, but I weeded out a ton of duplicates, and pared it down to about 50% of what I took. Still, you're not really missing anything, and while there is a lot, I had a ton of requests after the last E3 for more pictures than I put online before, so that's what I did this time. I've also separated them out so it takes less than 30 seconds to download each page (on a 56k modem), and put in jumps, so if you don't have the time to look at all of them at once, you can come back to another page quite easily.

You can hit the picture archive by visiting our "Caught on Camera" section of our website where you can see pictures from other events we've been to and done, not just this recent E3 show. Also, in a funny bit of E3 fluff, we were sent this video file by someone - it's one of the Duke girls jumping rope in the lobby of E3. You can see a still here, but if you want a video file of her jumping rope (as well as the other Duke girl, too), you can download the video by clicking here."

Posted by Joe Siegler at 11:00 AM

May 10, 2000

New Max Payne Website!

Found time to sneak in one last update before we boarded our bus to take us to the airport. Launched this morning, right in time for E3 is a new Max Payne Web site. This site is more streamlined, and because there's not a whole lot of info out there right now on the game, we felt that a new look was in order, one that didn't look so "static". With that, we have the totally new Max Payne web site ready for you right now over at Check it out.

And now it's off to E3.. The bus is arriving in 10 minutes.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:45 PM

May 9, 2000

Gathering Press Release

There was a press release put out later last week from Gathering of Developers about the launch of a new "value brand" of games over at Yahoo. According to the press release, the recently mentioned "Duke Nukem: Endangered Species Hunter" is mentioned in the press release.

Here's what they said:

The goal of On Deck Interactive is to diversify the products coming from Gathering of Developers, which have, up until now, largely appealed specifically to hardcore gamers. On Deck Interactive will instead emphasize games that have lower price points and more mass-market appeal. Games slated to be released from On Deck Interactive include the Windows-compatible version of Bugdom, KISS Pinball, and Duke Nukem: Endangered Species, a hunting game based on 3D Realms' enormously popular Duke Nukem character.

Not much, mind you, but Duke is mentioned in there - thought we'd pass along the press release.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:40 PM

May 9, 2000

New Planet of the Babes Screenshots!

Just in time for this year's E3 show, n-Space (the makers of Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes) have released ten new screenshots for Planet of the Babes. Below is a sample of a couple of them. Without any further ado, click here to be taken to n-Space's page for these shots.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:40 PM

May 9, 2000

Duke's Playmates!

In the wine country of northern California, 1974 must have been a vintage year -- if not for wine, then certainly for Brande. That's Brande Roderick, who left the vineyards behind three years ago and is now looking to taste the fruits of an acting career in Los Angeles. You may have already seen Brande in the background on Babylon Five (she was an alien) or in Armageddon, in commercials for Dr Pepper, Snickers or the Duke Nukem videogame -- or more recently in featured roles on such television shows as Beverly Hills 90210, Love Boat and Two Guys and a Girl. The roles are getting bigger, and so are her goals.

This text comes from the Playboy site where they talk about Miss April 2000 being in an ad for a Duke Nukem video game. We're not entirely sure which ad/commercial at the moment, but we're trying to track that down. You can check out some more information about Brande at her page on the IMDB site.

In other Duke playmate news... This isn't the first time a Playboy playmate has been involved with Duke. If you're familiar with the Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes art, then you might have recognized the woman at the front of the trio of babes. That's Neriah Davis, who was a Playmate of the month in March of 1994, among other things as being in movies like "The Bikini Car Wash Company" There's more on Neriah at her IMDB page, too.

If we get more information on these important developments, we'll make sure to pass 'em along to you.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:40 PM

May 9, 2000

Headed to E3

This will be the last update of our site until next week, as we're all headed to E3 tomorrow morning. As updating from E3 will be difficult to impossible (for us), we're not planning on doing any of that - we'll have .plan updates and some pictures I'm sure when we return next week.

And no, Duke Nukem Forever will not be shown at the show. We're just going for a vacation.

Make sure and check out 3D Portal's E3 News site for the latest on E3!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:40 PM

May 4, 2000

Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes Stuff

Larry Pacey of n-Space brought a couple of new Planet of the Babes items to our attention this morning, and we want to bring them to you. First up is a cool POTB writeup by which discusses some aspects of the game, as well as giving you several screenshots to check out.

In Duke Nukem: Planet of the Babes, Duke must team up with a ragtag group of "babes" that are trying to save the world from a cataclysmic alien invasion. The game features hi-resolution characters and terrain, heavy weaponry and several two-player multiplayer game modes. The game is a substantial improvement over the previous version of Duke on the PlayStation.

Overall, the player models and backgrounds appear much more detailed and are very clean. Once again, the audio is comprised of humorous one-liners from the game's main character, Duke Nukem.

There's more in the write-up, so check it out - and make sure to hit the screenshots there.

The second item is also from - this time an interview with the game's producer an interview with the game's producer Phil Gelber. In the interview, Phil talks about the game's plot, some of the babes themselves, as well as things Duke will be doing in the game. Here's a quote:

IGNPSX: What new sayings can we expect from Duke and what original sayings have been retained?

Phil Gelber: We generated [more than] 30 pages of original script for the game and retained all the old favorites. Jon St. John (the voice of Duke) seriously delivered -- you can bet that there are some new classics-to-be in this title. What Duke says is always timely so you can figure a lot of current catchphrases are in the game. Including a classic "Wasssssssup."

IGNPSX: What does POTB add to the series and the genre as a whole?

Phil Gelber: Duke Nukem will be around as long as there are video games -- just like James Bond will always exist so long as there are movies. We take great pride in the franchise and refuses to crap out titles just to make a buck POTB is an original, stand-alone title that is so much more than just a sequel to Duke Nukem : Time to Kill. The depth of the story is amazing and the use of realtime cinematics help showcase Duke's unique personality like never before.

Phil has a lot to say about the game in this interview, so make sure read it all.

Also, if you're looking for more, we also have information on our our own Planet of the Babes page here. If you wish to pre-order a copy of the game, you can do so by clicking on the Buy it graphic (which will take you to a pre-order page at

Also, for no good reason , here's two pictures of the model used to base several of the in game "babes" from. Click on either for a larger image.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:50 PM

May 3, 2000 Sports a New Look!

Mad Onion, what's that? Well, we'll tell you. Actually, we'll let them tell you - here's a bit from their page about their site:

To put it in a nutshell (if it is possible to do such a thing), is a new kind of personalized web services provider, powered by a series of internet-enabled benchmarks and a database that encompasses information from around the globe. We currently employ over 40 PC hardware and benchmarking professionals who share a passion for creating services that will empower and educate you, our users, so that you can make informed PC upgrade decisions that are right for you!

There's a lot more about's site if you go check out their "About us page". Mad Onion should be familiar to 3D Realms site visitors, we've told y'all about them before. We wanted to take this moment to tell you to check out their new site - they have a complete revamp online now - it's got a very slick, very organized look.

If you have checked them out before, go back and take another look, and if you've never been there before, and are interested in computer hardware, then you owe it to yourself to head there and spend some time at their site!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:45 PM

May 3, 2000

The Gist of E3

With E3 just a week away now, the E3 coverage has started to pop up all over the place. Yesterday, our old friend Geoff Keighley at Gameslice posted his latest "The Gist of it" list, and in it, he talks about several issues related to E3, one of which is our decision regarding Duke Nukem Forever and this year's E3 show.

E3 is just over a week away, but news has already trickled down that two big 3D shooters, Duke Nukem Forever and Team Fortress 2 will not be on display at the show. While some will no doubt equate this news to near-blasphemy on the part of developers like 3D Realms and Valve, I predicted this very trend two years ago in an editorial on E3 (read it here). In that editorial, which received a lot of positive feedback from developers, I questioned the real use of an E3 demo, especially when developing such a demo can stall a project 6-8 weeks....... .....While we know Duke Forever and TF2 won't be at the show, it will be interesting to see if any other big-name games don't make it to E3 this year.

Geoff has a lot more to say about E3, including his remarks about the (oh so relevant) keynote speech at the convention, so head over to Gameslice today and check it out!

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:30 PM

May 2, 2000

More on Duke Nukem: Endangered Species Hunter

Some more information is starting to creep out about Duke Nukem: Endangered Species Hunter. This time, it comes in the form of an interview with Scott Miller by Gamespy asked Scott several questions about the game, here's a bit of what he had to say..

GameSpy: How will Duke "ES" play, more like a FPS or like a hunting game? (Or a hunting game on steroids?)

Scott Miller: It will be a first-person game technically, but without most of the familiar gameplay of a typically FPS shooter--Duke won't be solving puzzles, discovering plat turns, finding better and better power-ups, etc. But finding better guns--count on it.

GameSpy: What kinds of vicious flora and fauna might our hero encounter in the woods?

Scott Miller: Keep in mind that there are other places to hunt other than in the woods. Duke will be on the hunt in several exotic, variety packed locations, depending on where and what type of rogue animal is threatening the local population. Some surprises await!

We'll have some more detailed information available some time after we return from E3 this month about Duke Nukem: Endangered Species Hunter, but in the meantime, check out this article over at Gamespy.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 3:00 PM

May 2, 2000

Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy Team Info

A couple of months ago, a Duke Nukem game much in the vein of the first two PC Duke games was released for the Nintendo Color Gameboy, appropriately titled "Duke Nukem: Color Gameboy". We've been asked since the game was released for some information on the folks who developed it. Well, that would be Torus in Australia, and we have some team info online now, as well as a group photo! If you're familiar with our Time to Kill & Planet of The Babes pages, you'll be familiar with this team photo.

Check out the Color Gameboy page for the team photo, as well as some other information about this game!

Make sure to check it out today - and read up on the only Duke Nukem game for the Color Gameboy console. You can also purchase a copy for your Color Gameboy if you don't have one already. No Color Gameboy? No problem, you can purchase a Color Gameboy too (from

Posted by Joe Siegler at 1:30 PM

May 2, 2000

Shadow Warrior Sound Patch Released

Ken Silverman has released another sound patch as a follow-up to the Duke Nukem 3D sound patch he released last week. This one does the same thing, only for Shadow Warrior! Make sure to check out the readme file for the patch before you attempt to install it.

For some time now, several customers of ours who have PCI sound cards (most specifically the Sound Blaster Live) have experienced sound problems when playing Shadow Warrior. Not everyone has encountered this problem, but for those who did, the sound errors and irregularities have been particularly annoying. Some of the places where this is happening in Shadow Warrior are:

*Episode 1, Level 1: In the pool

*Episode 1, Level 1: On the train tracks (near the end of the level)

Help is finally available for these folks. Available now on our master download page is a very small patch for Shadow Warrior which will correct this problem. If you download this patch and apply it, it will correct the problem for you. A few caveats about the patch:

*This is only for the following versions of Shadow Warrior: US v1.2 (both shareware & registered)

*None of the 3DFX patches are supported.

*No functionality is added to the game, nor is any game play changed. This is a minor sound patch only.

You can download this patch now, and if you run into any trouble, please make sure that your version of Shadow Warrior is installed, and has not been modified. If it has, the patch is likely to fail. In that event, you should reinstall your game from the original CD's and attempt to reapply the patch. If this still does not work, contact our Tech Support department.

For further technical support on any of our games, please visit our new Tech Support Online area, which contains the most common answers and solutions for just about every one of our games.

A special thanks goes out to Ken Silverman for getting this patch worked out. Ken is the original Build code programmer, and you can visit his web site here.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 10:45 AM

May 2, 2000

Duke Nukem: Endangered Species Hunter

A story turned up yesterday on Avault regarding a future title, "Duke Nukem: Endangered Species Hunter". Here's a bit from the article, including some quotes from George Broussard:

Titled DUKE NUKEM: Endangered Species, the game is being developed for the PC at Russian-based Action Forms, creators of the dinosaur hunting titles Carnivores and Carnivores 2, and the first-person shooter Chasm. For all the genre's low budget posturing, this is good news for fans of the character, whose ever-present shades should prove useful in the hot sun of the Serengeti. Broussard said the team has a super-fast, high-tech landscape engine he calls impressive. "The team also believes in photo realistic art, so count on great visuals," Broussard added.

Broussard told the Adrenaline Vault the product will be out--and we saw this coming--"when it's done." Before fans get downhearted, 3D Realms' co-founder promised Endangered Species is not planned as a massive 24-month project, nor is the Gathering targeting the product to be a full-priced release. �It will be a high quality, fun, budget level DUKE game with all the edge fans have come to expect. It will surprise a lot of people what designers can do with a good idea and [a reasonable budget],� Broussard said.

More on this later (but not today ).

Posted by Joe Siegler at 9:20 AM

May 2, 2000

Max Mapping

With all that's been going on with the Online Store here the last week, we neglected to cover this story.. It's a piece by called "Ask the Experts: Realistic Mapping".

The article talks to several folks in the industry, but most relevant to 3D Realms are the inclusion of two folks from the Max Payne game, Teemu Heinilehto (texture artist) & Aki Maatta (mapper).

Q: What work do you do in the concept stage of designing the map, and how does that make the rest of the work easier?

A: (Aki): "This varies on what kind of a map is in question, but basically, if I have a design document, I read it through a couple of times. If not and if/when I'm making such a document, I think of things that might fit into a certain enviroment/atmosphere, then try to come up with actual places that are of that theme and go take photos from such places. During and after the 'descriptive and photographic' phase I do a pen-and-paper sketch of the layouts and some possible smaller details, and then head to work."

A: (Teemu): "Since Max Payne takes place in New York, for inspiration for the actual look and feel we use real-life N.Y. photography and video footage. This has proved to be a successful method- it's good to first examine real locations and use them as a starting point from which to start building the actual map. Naturally lots of compromises have to be made - not everything can be "virtualized" and so on - but it gives the right direction from the start."

There's lots more from Aki & Teemu, as well as some from Greg Barr (Soldier of Fortune), Steve Cotton (Rainbow 6), and others. Check it out - there's lots of cool stuff in here. There's nothing really specific about Max Payne specifically, but it's a good insight into what goes into the making of a game.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 9:20 AM

May 1, 2000

3D Realms Online Store Now Open!

This morning, The 3D Realms Online Store officially opened for business! Available now, you can order games and items direct from 3D Realms online.

This new store (hosted by Yahoo shopping) will let you order items from us as if you called us on the phone, faxed us, or wrote us a letter. In addition, selected older titles are available for immediate download (one your credit card has been processed & charged). Here's a few highlights from the store's functionality:

*The online store will be an extension of our already existing ordering system. In other words, you'll be able to place orders online in addition to calling us, faxing us, or mailing in your order and have it shipped to you.

*In addition to being able to place orders to be shipped to you, selected registered titles will be available for immediate download from the store.

*You can mix these orders - in other words you can place orders that have both items to be shipped to you, and items to be downloaded in the same order.

*The items in the online store will match the product line that you can order from our 800 line.

This means that previously discontinued titles will remain discontinued.

*We will accept Visa, Master Card, American Express, & Discover.

*We will ship anywhere in the world that we're legally allowed to by the US Government.

One cool thing about the store being hosted by Yahoo Shopping is that you can (optionally) interact with all the other stores that use Yahoo Shopping. Some of the other Yahoo Shopping clients include the Denver Broncos & Atlanta Falcons football teams, the Houston Astros & Minnesota Twins baseball teams, FAO Schwarz, Ben & Jerry's, rederick's of Hollywood, FTD Flowers, NASA, Miramax Films, and a whole lot more.

You can visit the store today by clicking here, or via the Online Store icon that appears at the top of every page of our web site.

Posted by Joe Siegler at 2:30 PM